EDP’s General Shareholders’ Meeting
Deliberações da Assembleia Geral Anual
EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. (“EDP”) informs that at the General Shareholders Meeting held on April 5th, 2018 the Shareholders have approved the following resolutions:
1. The individual and consolidated accounts’ reporting documents for 2017, including the global management report (which incorporates a chapter regarding corporate governance), the individual and consolidated accounts, the sustainability report (which includes the non financial consolidated statement), the annual report and the opinion of the General and Supervisory Board (that integrates the annual report of the Financial Matters Committee/Audit Committee) and the Auditors’ Report on the individual and consolidated financial statements;
2. The allocation of EDP’s 2017 allocation of profits proposed by the Executive Board of Directors, amounting to €765,427,037.09, as follows:
Contribution to EDP’s Foundation…...…....€7,200,000.00
Retained earnings…………………………..…...€63,484,871.69
(*which corresponds to a gross dividend of €0.19 per share)
3. A vote of confidence and praise to the Executive Board of Directors and to each of its members, to the General and Supervisory Board and to each of its members, and to the Statutory Auditor for the performance of their duties during the year 2017;
4. An authorization for the Executive Board of Directors to purchase and sell own shares of EDP and subsidiaries of EDP for a period of 18 months;
5. An authorization for the Executive Board of Directors to purchase and sell own bonds by EDP for a period of 18 months;
6. The remuneration policy of the members of the Executive Board of Directors presented by the Remunerations Committee of the General and Supervisory Board;
7. The remuneration policy of the members of the other corporate bodies presented by the Remunerations Committee elected by the General Shareholders’ Meeting;
8. The amendment of EDP’s By-Laws through the modification of article 16 No. 2, which now dictates a maximum of nine members at the Executive Board of Directors;
9. The election of (i) the members of the General and Supervisory Board, (ii) the members of the Executive Board of Directors, (iii) the Statutory Auditor and the Alternate Statutory Auditor, (iv) the members of the Board of the General Shareholders’ Meeting, (v) the members of the Remunerations Committee to be nominated by the General Shareholders’ Meeting (including their respective remuneration) and (vi) the members of the Environment and Sustainability Board, for the three year period 2018-2020, which shall be composed by the following members:
General and Supervisory Board
Chairman: Luís Filipe Marques Amado
Vice-Chairman: China Three Gorges Corporation
China Three Gorges International Corp.
China Three Gorges (Europe), S.A.
China Three Gorges Brasil Energia Ltda
China Three Gorges (Portugal), Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.
Fernando María Masaveu Herrero
Senfora BV
Banco Comercial Português, S.A.
Société Nationale pour la Recherche, la Production, le Transport, la Transformation et la Commercialistion des Hydrocarbures (SONATRACH)
Maria Celeste Ferreira Lopes Cardona
Ilídio da Costa Leite de Pinho
Jorge Avelino Braga de Macedo
Vasco Joaquim Rocha Vieira
Augusto Carlos Serra Ventura Mateus
João Carvalho das Neves
María del Carmen Fernández Rozado
Laurie Fitch
Clementina Maria Dâmaso de Jesus Silva Barroso
António Manuel de Carvalho Ferreira Vitorino (Chairman of the General Shareholders’ Meeting)
Executive Board of Directors
Chairman: António Luís Guerra Nunes Mexia
João Manuel Manso Neto
António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa
João Marques da Cruz
Miguel Stilwell de Andrade
Miguel Nuno Simões Nunes Ferreira Setas
Rui Manuel Rodrigues Lopes Teixeira
Maria Teresa Isabel Pereira
Vera Pinto Pereira
Statutory Auditor
Permanent: PricewaterhouseCoopers & Associados, Sociedade de Revisores de Contas, Lda., represented by João Rui Fernandes Ramos, ROC;
Deputy: Aurélio Adriano Rangel Amado, ROC;
Board of the General Meeting
Chairman: António Manuel de Carvalho Ferreira Vitorino
Vice-Chairman: Rui Pedro Costa Melo Medeiros
Company’s Secretary: to be appointed by the Executive Board of Directors
Remuneration Committee elected by the General Shareholders Meeting
Chairman: Luís Miguel Nogueira Freire Cortes Martins
Members: José Gonçalo Maury
Jaime Amaral Anahory
Environment and Sustainability Board
Chairman: José Manuel Viegas
Members: António José Tomás Gomes de Pinho
Joana Pinto Balsemão
Joaquim Poças Martins
Pedro Oliveira
EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A.