edp announcement

EDP's General Shareholders Meeting

Jueves, 25 Agosto 2011

At the General Shareholders Meeting held today, the Shareholders have approved by a majority of 94.16% of the issued votes, the amendments of EDP' By-laws in accordance to the presented proposal.




Lisbon, August 25th 2011: EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. ("EDP") informs that, at the General Shareholders Meeting held today, the Shareholders have approved by a majority of 94.16% of the issued votes, the amendments of EDP' By-laws as follows:

1. Modification of article 4, through amendment of number 4, in order to eliminate the special right of category B shares (held by the Portuguese State or by public entities) of non limitation of the voting rights exercise to 5% of the share capital;

2. Modification of article 14, through amendment of current numbers 3, 4, 6, 10 and 11 and the addition of new numbers 11 and 12, with the consequent renumbering of previous numbers 11 (modified in accordance to the presented proposal), 12 and 13 which became, respectively, new numbers 13, 14 and 15. These changes of article 14 reflect the increase of the limit of the voting rights exercise from the current 5% to 20% of the share capital and the adjustment of EDP' By-laws to the changes introduced in Company's Portuguese Law, as a result of the transposition of Directive number 2007/36/CE, from the European Parliament and the Council;

3. Modification of article 20, through addition of new numbers 6 and 7, in order to adjust EDP' By-laws to number 1 of article 393 of the Companies Portuguese Code, which stipulates that a company's By-laws should define the number of absences, continuous or interpolated, without any justification accepted by the board of directors, that lead to a definitive absence of a director;

4. Modification of article 27, through amendment of number 2, in order to adjust EDP' By-laws to Law number 28/2009, of June 19, which establishes the obligation of remuneration committees of listed companies to submit annually to the general shareholders' meeting a statement on the remuneration policy of the members of the respective management and auditing bodies.

EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A.