edp announcement

Creation of commitees by the General and Supervisory Board

Martes, 01 Agosto 2006

At the General and Supervisory Board's meeting held on 13th July, this corporate body approved the creation of an Audit Committee and a Remunerations Committee.

At the General and Supervisory Board's meeting held on 13th July, this corporate body approved the creation of an Audit Committee and a Remunerations Committee.
The Audit Committee shall accompany the financial subjects of the company, as set forth in article 444, no. 2 of the Companies Code and article 23, no. 2 of EDP's by-laws, and is composed only of independent members. The members of the Audit Committee, which are in functions from June 30, 2006, are the following:
    > Vítor Fernando da Conceição Gonçalves (Chairman);
    > Manuel Fernando de Macedo Alves Monteiro;
    > António Francisco Barroso de Sousa Gomes.

The Remunerations Committee of the General and Supervisory Board is responsible, in accordance to article 27, no. 1 of EDP's by-laws, for setting the remunerations of the members of the Executive Board of Directors and the majority of its members are independent. The members of the Remunerations Committee are the following:
    > Alberto João Coraceiro de Castro (Chairman);
    > Eduardo de Almeida Catroga;
    > Paulo Jorge de Assunção Rodrigues Teixeira Pinto.

EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A.