edp announcement

Euro 150,000,000.00 bond issue – "Floating rate notes EDP Energias de Portugal – 2013/2018" – Early redemption

Lunes, 02 Noviembre 2015

EDP proceeded to the total early redemption of the notes with the Central Securities Depository and to the subsequent cancellation of the notes, in the total amount of €150m.

Pursuant to the terms and for the purposes of article 249, no. 2, paragraph d), of the Portuguese Securities Code and article 7, no. 1, paragraph b), of the Portuguese Securities Market Commission's Regulation no. 5/2008, EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. hereby informs the Noteholders' that, today, EDP proceeded to the total early redemption of the notes with the Central Securities Depository code EDPKOE (ISIN code – PTEDPKOE0026) and to the subsequent cancellation of the notes, in the total amount of:


Total early redemption          €150,000,000.00

The paying agent nominated for this purpose is Caixa Económica Montepio Geral and, in accordance with Interbolsa' regulation, the total early redemption of the notes was made through the Central Securities Depository.


EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A.