Vera Pinto Pereira na abertura do Portugal Mobi Summit

EDP and UVE launch manual to simplify electric mobility adoption

Martes 27, Septiembre 2022

Guide for new electric vehicle drivers helps to understand differences in autonomy and charging, as well as other relevant information. The manual was presented at the start of the fifth edition of Portugal Mobi Summit.

EDP and the Association of Electric Vehicles Users (UVE, in Portuguese) have partnered in another initiative to promote the adoption of electric mobility in Portugal. As of today, a manual of best practices is available that aims to answer the main doubts of drivers when they decide to join this form of sustainable mobility.

In 32 pages, this manual addresses the specificities of charging an electric car, a different reality from fueling a combustion car, but which is increasingly faster, more complete and convenient. Throughout the eight chapters, the differences in public and private charging are also listed, the different autonomies available on the market are explained and what the best practices are to prolong the life of the batteries. In this manual, there are also tips for efficient driving of an electric vehicle and which digital features can simplify life with an electric car.

This manual was presented today by EDP Comercial CEO, Vera Pinto Pereira, at the fifth edition of Portugal Mobi Summit, the reference event on sustainable mobility of which EDP is the main sponsor. 

For EDP, this is another important step in simplifying electric mobility in Portugal, a goal to which the company has contributed in recent years. EDP already has contracted more than 1,500 charging points on the public network, intends to reach three thousand in Iberia by the end of this year and is also a supplier of multiple solutions for charging in private space. This year, EDP also launched a new version of its electric mobility app, and each driver can now use the same app for their entire journey with an electric vehicle.

For UVE, this Electric Mobility Manual condenses all the necessary information so that users - current and future - of an electric vehicle are in possession of all the information, in a systematized manner, to simplify their daily use, through a set of contents on the different electric vehicles, their different forms of charging, in a word, to make driving an electric vehicle simpler, more enjoyable, more ecological and much more economical than using a vehicle with an internal combustion engine.

This guide can be found online at and will be promoted by EDP and UVE to consumers who purchase an electric vehicle.