edp announcement

EDP Energias do Brasil wins 1 lot at the transmission auction no. 1/2021

Miércoles, 30 Junio 2021

EDP Energias do Brasil wins 1 lot at the transmission auction no. 1/2021

Lisbon, June 30th, 2021: Pursuant to the terms and for the purposes of article 17 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council and of article 248 of the Portuguese Securities Code, EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A. (“EDP”) is providing the following information to the market:

EDP – Energias do Brasil, S.A. (“EDP Energias do Brasil” or “Company”), 52.64%1 held by EDP, was awarded 1 lot in the Auction 1/2021 of Public Power Transmission Lines, held by ANEEL on this date, located in the Brazilian states of Acre and Rondonia, with R$ 38.6 million in Annual Allowed Revenue (“Receita Anual Permitida” – RAP). The lot includes one substation and a 350-kilometre transmission line. Based on the information made public for the auction, ANEEL assumes that this lot is expected to represent a CAPEX of R$ 0.4 billion and to take a period of 60 months for construction.

The financing of the projects considers the issuance of Infrastructure Debentures with estimated total leverage of 70%.

The result of EDP Energias do Brasil in the auction reinforces the Group’s presence in Brazil and the Company’s strategic decision to invest in Grids, in line with the established 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, and with adequate return and controlled risk.

EDP – Energias de Portugal. S.A.