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Air / Igor Valandro

Air is an Italian Insurtech startup focused on automotive sector and services on demand. AIR’s cloud-based car data analysis platform gathers advanced diagnostics and telemetry data to increase the safety of the driver, adding more convenience to the car’s owners while being a big cost-saver through AIR’s predictive maintenance IoT solution I Participant: Igor Valandro (CEO) -

Alerion / Oier Penagaricano

Alerion’s intelligent and efficient inspector drones provide for high-quality real-time infrastructure inspections, drastically reducing maintenance costs.. The company has developed a patented laser based high-precision relative navigation technology, that allows to get up close to the desired structure, always ensuring high-quality data and analyzing it in real-time I Participants: Oier Penagaricano (CEO) -

Aliter G. / Xavier Pastor, Gerard Pagés

STORM is an advanced controller and manager for utility scale PV power plants with storage. STORM is addressed to markets with a high penetration of PV, such as islands systems and to scenarios with 100% renewable energy generation, such the EU framework for 2050. STORM gives full ancillary services to the grid such as frequency, voltage regulation, power fluctuations mitigation due to irradiation fluctuation and demand peak response, including night demand peak. STORM is now in prototype development phase and is based on advanced control algorithms and methods that enable multiple scenario operations such as DC and AC coupling and different type of batteries systems such LiIon and redox ones. Also presents an advanced decentralized multiprocessor architecture , that facilitates future growth. I Participants: Xavier Pastor (CEO) -, Gerard Pagès (CFO) -

Alphageomega /S. Magalhães, G. Fortunato

Alphageomega is a French SME whose aim is to provide services and solutions for Geosciences complex problems. We design and develop new innovative efficient tools/devices to monitor precisely T&D infrastructures and associated Environmental parameters. We attempt to optimize T&D maintenance, natural risks mitigation and improve people's safety. I Participants: Samuel Magalhaes (Chairman) -, Gerardo Fortunato (CEO) -

Cascoda / Bruno Johnson, Cara Tsai

In 2015, the UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) concluded that 2.4GHz IoT technology could only cover 36% of UK houses. The reason for this is that IoT devices in the EU are limited to 10mW transmit power, as opposed to 100mW in the US. As a consequence they have short range. Cascoda solves this by increasing the receive sensitivity threefold. I Participants: Bruno Johnson (CEO) -, Cara Tsai (Sales Engineer) -

Correlata / Ofer Laksman, Tsafrir Lahav

Correlata develops a revolutionary set of tools that leverages  big data, analytics, and machine learning to help companies with their most pressing digital transformation challenges. Correlata  provides leading IT business collaborative solution that puts IT operations in the spotlight, allowing companies to gain valuable insights that fuel the strongest IT investment across any organization, delivering opeartion efficiency and cost reduction from day one. I Participants: Ofer Laksman (CEO) -, Tsafrir Lahav (Director I/S) -