Social Investment Policy


The EDP Group's Social Investment Policy establishes the objectives, corporate strategies and regulations regarding EDP's Social Investment, which is expressed in social responsibility programs and projects in the community through own and collaborative initiatives, donations, and volunteering.


Social Investment: financial and non-financial contributions (in-kind or volunteer time), given without counterparts, that are proven to help local communities and societies at large address their development priorities. It also includes investments in innovation of the company's products, services, or operations, as well as operational expenses with procurement processes, which create a clearly defined and demonstrable social impact.

Strategic axes

EDP's Social Investment programs and projects are oriented towards the following strategic axes, with defined investment objectives up to 2025:

  • Fair Energy Transition – includes projects to support access to energy, energy inclusion and communities impacted by the closure of thermal power stations, projects aimed at protecting the natural heritage and biodiversity, projects promoting energy efficiency and renewable energies, contributing for decarbonization and the fight against climate change, as well as educational projects in these fields.
  • Culture – includes projects whose mission is to promote access to art and culture and the protection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
  • Other social needs – includes support for projects that respond to other social needs in the communities where EDP is present, such as social inclusion and support for vulnerable individuals, training/education initiatives, response to emergency situations and promotion of health and sustainable livelihoods.

See the EDP Group's Social Investment Policy in full: