A podcast that discusses solutions for a sustainable future

Inspired by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, EDP has explored the best strategies for a more sustainable future for our planet over nine podcast episodes with some of today's leading experts.

Alterações Climáticas

#01 Climate change

One of the planet’s main challenges.
Economia Circular

#02 Circular economy

Commitment to a new economic model.
Eficiência energética

#03 Energy efficiency

Doing more using less.
Acesso à energia

#04 Access to energy

Bringing light to all homes.
Diversidade e inclusão

#05 Diversity and inclusion

Equal rights in a world of differences.
Cidades sustentáveis

#06 Sustainable cities

For a greener urban life.

#07 Biodiversity

Preserving the planet begins by protecting nature.
Qualidade do Ar

#08 Air quality

We fight for cleaner air.
Finanças sustentáveis

#09 Sustainable finances

Investing in the planet has a positive return.

Generation Zero

This web series aims to represent families that adopt exemplary sustainable practices, offering an inspiring vision of how it is possible to live in a more conscious and environmentally friendly way. With these stories, we want to motivate everyone to adopt positive changes in their daily lives.