United for a wonderful world

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We choose to keep this a wonderful world.
Do you?

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"You have to leave the island in order to see the island.” José Saramago

"The world faces one of the greatest challenges of all time.

One that relies on transitioning to an economy based on clean, affordable and reliable energy. Only with green energy can we keep a sustainable planet.

EDP is harnessing the power of the wind, the water and the sun to produce 100% green energy. Our commitment is to become coal free by 2025, all green by 2030, and net zero by 2040.

The success of this path depends on everyone’s commitment, including clients, partners, communities and policy makers. We all have a role to play and we must come together to ensure a sustainable future for all.

We choose to keep this a wonderful world. Do you?"

Miguel Stilwell d’Andrade, EDP Group CEO

Our commitments

Coal free
by 2025
100% green
by 2030
50GW of renewables capacity
by 2030
Net Zero emissions
by 2040
Our strategy

We are acting now

Arizona Project - Sun Streams

Oklahoma - Arbuckle

Alqueva's floating solar pannels

Windfloat Atlantic

Floating Solar

Rooftop Solar Systems

Solar Complex in Pereira Barreto

Carnicas Frivall Project

EDP power plant transformation projects

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2030 is right around the corner

And we are committed to achieving our goals: approximately 85% of our generated energy already comes from renewable sources.











Every second counts on this wonderful world.

We Choose Earth 

From the bottom of the sea to the windy mountain tops and sunny communities, We Choose Earth. We choose to be united for the planet, to embark on a global journey to promote sustainability and support life and Nature. 

Discover the projects that tell this story

we choose earth tour 2024

We Choose Earth Tour 2024

The We Choose Earth Tour is back for another edition. Join us on June 20th in Munich, or via livestream, for an event where global thinkers and doers will come together to inspire collective change towards a more sustainable future for the planet and its people.

EDP Inclusive Solar Communities

With the support of EDP foundations, solar panels are being installed in Social Solidarity Institutions in Portugal and Spain, an Iberian project so that communities can consume and share solar energy among themselves.
art reef

EDP Art Reef

Portuguese artist Alexandre Farto (Vhils) has created an underwater exhibition using pieces taken from decommissioned EDP power stations. For this project as immense as the ocean, Vhils produced works of art to be submerged, transforming them into a new coral reef, a cradle for marine life. 

EDP Surf for Tomorrow

Water was one of the first elements to mark EDP's history, with decades of water production in Portugal, Spain and Brazil. On the other hand, EDP has been supporting surfing and the growth of the sport for several years, as a way of promoting sustainability by protecting the oceans and marine life.