The General and Supervisory Board of EDP is the body that permanently monitors and supervises the activity of the Company's management, cooperating with the Executive Board of Directors and with other corporate bodies and bodies in the pursuit of the corporate interest, under the terms provided for in the applicable legislation and in the articles of association, being elected by the shareholders at the general meeting.

The General and Supervisory Board is composed of 16 members, most of them independent, who meet the training and competence requirements set out in the articles of association and in the legal rules applicable to EDP.

The General and Supervisory Board has the powers provided for in the company's articles of association, under the terms of the applicable legislation. Its functioning is regulated by internal regulation.

The current mandate (2024-2026) has a duration of 3 years. The Formation and Expertise of the current members of the General and Supervisory Board can be found here and in their respective CVs.

António Lobo Xavier
António Lobo Xavier
Chairman and Independent Member
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Shengliang Wu photo
Shengliang Wu
Member (in representation of China Three Gorges Corporation)
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Guobin Qin
Guobin Qin
Member (in representation of China Three Gorges International Limited)
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Ignacio Herrero Ruiz photo
Ignacio Herrero Ruiz
Member (in representation of China Three Gorges (Europe), S.A.)
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Hui Zhang photo
Hui Zhang
Member (in representation of China Three Gorges Brasil Energia, S.A.)
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Miguel Pereira Leite photo
Miguel Pereira Leite
Member (in representation of China Three Gorges (Portugal), Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.)
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Victor Roza Fresno
Victor Roza Fresno
Member (in representation of Draursa, S.A.)
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Fernando Masaveu Herrero photo
Fernando María Masaveu Herrero
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Sofia Salgado photo
Sofia Salgado Pinto
Independent Member
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Shao Zili photo
Zili Shao
Independent Member
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Alicia Reyes Revuelta
Alicia Reyes Revuelta
Independent Member
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Gonçalo Moura Martins
Gonçalo Moura Martins
Independent Member
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Maria Jose Beato
María José García Beato
Independent Member
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Sandra Maria Santos
Sandra Maria Santos
Independent Member
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Stephen Vaughan
Stephen Vaughan
Independent Member
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Lisa Frantzis
Lisa Frantzis
Independent Member
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Committees assigned to the General and Supervisory Board
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Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee


The Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee is a specialized committee of the General and Supervisory Board, with competence defined namely in matters of corporate governance and sustainability. Its functioning is regulated by internal regulation.


  • António Lobo Xavier (President)
  • Fernando Masaveu Herrero
  • Guobin Qin
  • Ignacio Herrero Ruiz
  • Lisa Frantzis
  • María José García Beato
  • Stephen Vaughan
Financial Matters Committee

The Financial Matters Committee is a specialized committee of the General and Supervisory Board, with competence defined, namely, in matters of supervising the Company's financial information. Its functioning is regulated by internal regulation.


  • Gonçalo Moura Martins (President)
  • María José García Beato
  • Sofia Salgado Pinto
  • Victor Roza Fresno
Remuneration Committee appointed by the General and Supervisory Board

The Remuneration Committee is a specialized committee of the General and Supervisory Board with competence defined namely in matters related to the remuneration policy of the Chairman and other members of the Executive Board of Directors, distinguishing itself from the Remuneration Committee of the General Meeting, which is responsible for setting the remuneration policy of the other corporate bodies.

The functioning of the Remuneration Committee is governed by internal regulations.


  • Miguel Pereira Leite (President)
  • Fernando Masaveu Herrero
  • Gonçalo Moura Martins
  • Sandra Santos
  • Zili Shao
Business Monitoring Committee in the United States of America

The Business Monitoring Committee in the United States of America has defined powers related to the monitoring and autonomous adoption of resolutions relating to matters related to the activity carried out by companies wholly or majority-owned and/or participated by the EDP Group in the United States of America.

Its functioning is regulated by an internal norm.


  • António Lobo Xavier (President)
  • Alicia Reyes
  • Lisa Frantzis
  • Sandra Santos
  • Stephen Vaughan
  • Victor Roza Fresno