23 Oct 2024
10 min

The EDP holistic approach

Promoting well-being and mental health in companies is essential so that people feel properly supported and motivated, with positive repercussions in their personal lives. Paula Carneiro and José Miguel Vaz explain the importance and strategy regarding mental health at EDP.

The majority of people favor a workplace that provides stability - not only professionally and financially - but also emotionally. In this respect, companies have increasingly more concerns in terms of the mental health and well-being of their employees. At EDP, the commitment to these issues is constant, including actions that seek to ensure that the largest number of people and tools remain available. The Mind Your Mind campaign, commemorated every year in October, is the heart of an ever-present concern.

“Addressing well-being and mental health within a company is fundamental because it generates direct impact at multiple levels: in individual and team performance, in the professional and personal development of each employee, as well as across organizational culture", summarizes Paula Carneiro, Head of People & Organization at EDP. She explains that “it is one of the main factors that contribute to a healthy working environment", especially during periods of change.

paula carneiro

"Mental health is no longer a taboo subject. It is increasingly seen as an essential area in maintaining the emotional balance of productive and innovative employees. Investing in well-being and mental health is investing in the future of people and the organization."

Paula Carneiro
Head of People & Organization, EDP

Mental health challenges at companies

According to Paula Carneiro, in larger companies, "people may feel more disconnected, communication becomes more challenging and the risk of burnout or isolation may be greater, especially for those who work in remote or shift teams". In this respect, the person responsible for People & Organization at EDP group explains that “large companies need a robust system, consisting of a strategy, initiatives and a multidisciplinary and cohesive teamwork, to ensure that the well-being and mental health of all staff are taken care of effectively and equitably”.

The positive effect of taking care of people's well-being permeates into the very operation of a company, thereby increasing creativity and resilience: "It's about building a culture of care that contributes to employees having a sustainable support base, which, in turn, generates better individual and business results."

Health and well-being: EDP's mission

Despite being an increasingly relevant topic in the EDP strategy, "the current context reinforces the importance of focusing on caring for our employees in a holistic way, while considering the challenges imposed on a personal and professional level", states Paula Carneiro. This approach is based on five dimensions that go beyond each person's professional challenges.

According to Paula Carneiro, "topics such as mental health, well-being and new forms of work have gained a decisive role in the conditions that companies offer". Examples of this are hybrid work, when operations allow it, or the possibility of being with your family at certain times, such as the beginning of the school year. 

“Our commitment is clear", states José Miguel Vaz, head of EDP's Compensation, Benefits, Well-being & Labor Relations team, "to promote an environment in which mental health is a priority, through a strategy that combines benefits, flexibility, innovation and active leadership". In a company with around 13 thousand employees, across four regions of the globe - Europe, North America, South America and Asia-Pacific - it is an ambitious challenge, but José Miguel Vaz says that the objective is to "promote mental health and prevent mental illness, while demystifying some preconceived notions and ensuring answers and support services in all the markets in which we are present".

josé miguel vaz

"EDP's basic stance in relation to mental health is clear: We consider this theme central to the overall well-being of our employees, which therefore has priority of place in our well-being."

José Miguel Vaz
Head of Compensation, Benefits, Wellbeing & Labor Relations

The involvement of leaders is essential

If mental health concerns everyone, promoting in a robust organization like EDP must also involve all segments of employees. At this point, leaders play a crucial role in promoting and integrating a culture of well-being into everyday life, as well as setting an example of encouraging a psychologically safe workplace. In 2023, for example, psychological safety was the subject of a specific session for people-management teams. "Leadership has a fundamental responsibility to set an example and create an environment where well-being is a priority, not just a secondary or accessory issue", highlights Paula Carneiro, recalling that "when leaders demonstrate a genuine interest and commitment to well-being, it sends a clear message to all people about the importance that the company gives to everyone's physical and emotional health".

This is a constant training and awareness work, "so that our leaders know how to prevent situations that could put the mental health of employees at risk and, above all, identify and manage these situations in order to enhance a healthy context and act on alarm signals", continues José Miguel Vaz, highlighting his desire to have "a culture of continuous feedback while enhancing an environment in which employees feel safe and valued”.

Paula Carneiro recalls that "by being the first to adopt self-care practices and promoting policies that support work-life balance, they encourage similar behaviors at all levels". In the case of EDP, the strategy of "empathetic, authentic leadership that is aware of the well-being of its people" comes from above, with the main sponsor of this theme being the CEO, Miguel Stilwell d'Andrade. The head of People & Organization believes that "the CEO's leadership provides the support and visibility necessary to ensure that well-being actions are consistent, effective and comprehensive in all dimensions of the company".

What EDP people have to say:

feel that EDP provides a safe working environment
are proud to work at EDP
feel they have the opportunity to do challenging work
recommend EDP as a good company to work for

Mind your Mind: raising the mental health flag

Launched for the first time in 2020 during a year of greater adversity and uncertainty due to the pandemic, the Mind Your Mind campaign was created with the aim of "demystifying the topic of mental health in the workplace and offering practical resources to support employees", explains José Miguel Vaz, detailing that "it includes training programs, awareness sessions and support tools, such as psychological counseling and activities that foster a sense of emotional balance”.

This is EDP's "flagship campaign" on the topic, including a global reach of 26 countries, and ever-increasing participation.

Launching more and more initiatives, extending them to various geographies, and encouraging employee participation has led EDP to being increasingly recognized for its good practices in social fields. Paula Carneiro highlights efr (family-responsible company), “which recognizes our commitment to promoting reconciliation between the personal, family and professional lives of our staff", as well as international Top Employer certification that currently recognizes EDP as one of the best companies to work for in 11 different countries. 

For Paula Carneiro, "this recognition validates our approach and demonstrates that we are on the right track to making well-being a central part of the EDP experience”. And she recalls the role of the company CEO, emphasizing that "direct support of leadership ensures that these actions are not only widely promoted, but also receive the focus and resources necessary to thrive". It gives as an example, the main Mind Your Mind initiative of 2023, which brought together Miguel Stilwell d'Andrade and "the recognized leader in the financial sector, António Horta Osório, on the importance of promoting psychological safety and mental health in organizations, through the sharing of personal stories and experiences”.

In the short term, José Miguel Vaz says that "EDP wants all employees to know the support lines in the different regions where it operates, ensuring that everyone has access to the same resources". And, in 2024, an important step was taken: "We have made the benefit global and reinforced our commitment to the promotion of mental health".

For the leader, "the five years of longevity of this campaign emphasizes how important it is for EDP to invest in the subject". The plans for the future are for even greater growth: "It is intended that the Mind Your Mind program will continue to be an integral part of EDP's global well-being strategy, which will continue to evolve, adapting to new ways of working and people's evolving needs."

paula carneiro

“In 2023, around nine thousand EDP group employees participated in global initiatives. Our people have been actively participating in programmes covering the five dimensions of wellbeing, which demonstrates the real impact these initiatives have on their daily lives."

Paula Carneiro
Head of People & Organization, EDP

josé miguel vaz

"The immediate goal of Mind Your Mind is to continue to raise awareness of the importance of mental health and offer more practical tools to employees, such as access to psychological support programs and content focused on stress management and emotional resilience."

José Miguel Vaz
Head of Compensation, Benefit, Well-being & Labor Relations

'It's OK': encourage corporate empathy

In 2024, the Mind Your Mind program strategy was seeking to encompass not only individuals, but all the people around them. "The 'It's OK' campaign is more than a mental health awareness initiative, representing a movement that aims to promote a culture of empathy and support within our organization", explains José Miguel Vaz. 

Through simple phrases such as 'It's OK not to be OK', it seeks to encourage both the ability to ask for support and the willingness to give it. José Miguel Vaz emphasizes that "by promoting messages that regulate the search for help and the prioritization of well-being, we aim to create a supportive community in which everyone feels valued and supported. We want "it's OK" to become an expression of resilience and the ability to ask for help or provide self-compassion as crucial skills in changing professional contexts”.

EDP tools in the field of mental health

In addition to the multiple initiatives of the Mind Your Mind campaign, to be promoted in October, plus other specific actions throughout the year, EDP will be providing employees with various tools to encourage well-being and mental health in the company. 

José Miguel Vaz outlines the most relevant benefits for individuals and teams:

  • Psychological Support Lines: "We give people access to mental health professionals who offer confidential counseling sessions."
  • Workshops and Training: “This involves training sessions on multiple topics, designed especially for the current challenges faced by individuals.”
  • Mindfulness Sessions: “In 2024, we have meditation sessions given by team members, both in person and online.”
  • Health Insurance: "In some countries, the health insurance we give to employees covers psychology consultations and other therapies, with the ambition to extend this benefit globally."
  • Headspace in Microsoft Teams: "This app with guided meditation sessions is available through Microsoft Teams for everyone." 
  • Hybrid Work Model: "This enables the possibility for employees to work remotely for two days a week. We believe that this hybrid model combines 'the best of both worlds', as it integrates the advantages of face-to-face work - promotion of group culture, networking and face-to-face collaboration - as well as remote work, including greater flexibility, individual productivity and a better work-life balance.”
Mental health in the company will continue to be one of the pillars in EDP's strategy and organization. As new challenges are encountered, other solutions, incentives, tools and initiatives will be made available to support people, leaving no one behind. Learn more about EDP's well-being and benefits.