Circular economy: the promise of a sustainable future
08 Sep 2021
3 min

We are consuming Earth’s natural resources at an increasing speed.

According to the publication “Visão 2025,” if we keep the same rate of population growth and consumption habits, in 2050, it will take 2.3 planets to meet the demands of production and consumption. Furthermore, according to the UN, more than 400 million tonnes of plastic are produced every year in the world, and only 9% of the waste produced is recycled. The negative impacts are evident and, in some cases, irreversible. Circular Economy is on the front line as a solution to this problem that, sooner or later, will affect us all.

The Circular Economy is committed to a new economic model, which seeks to increase the value of natural resources by keeping them in use for as long as possible. Extending the life cycle of a product avoids excessive waste, which obviously burdens families, businesses, and countries. And no less important, for the sustainability of the planet.

This paradigm is based on innovative solutions and rethought business models, which can also be a real opportunity: The European Union assesses the Circular Economy as an opportunity of about three trillion euros.

Despite all the variables and scenarios, there is an almost always common target: plastic. Millions of tons invade the seas and oceans every year, and it is estimated that by 2050, there will be more plastic in them than fish. The overall strategy to reduce this impact relies on reducing the consumption of single-use plastics. Recycling, although positive, should be seen as the last destination, sought only when reduction and re-usage are not possible.

Economia circular
Economia circular

Environmental, economic and social advantages

We must be able to expand the gap between economic growth and human development from the irresponsible usage of natural resources. And with this new concept of Circular Economy, the benefits are numerous, with effects on all pillars of sustainability:

  • Environment: Efficient usage of resources reduces the ecological footprint of products and services. The people profit- space, time, quality of life - and the ecosystems profit, which even end up reinforced to fight climate change. According to the BCSD's Circu-lares Synergies, Challenges for Portugal - Business Council for Sustainable Development report, until 2030, the Circular Economy could allow for savings of EUR 600 billion and a reduction of 450 million tones of CO2 emissions.
  • Economy: In companies, permanent demand for efficiency and increased productivity are encouraged by the circular paradigm. New solutions to reduce costs and increase revenues lead to remarkable savings: 8% of European business turnover, according to the same forecasts for 2030.
  • Society: Better environmental quality and greater economic development already are social benefits by themselves, as are the positive aspects of small day-to-day changes, but employment can still be added to this. In Europe alone, close to 600,000 new jobs can be created with the transition to a circular economy.

To circulate the economy is to gain time and quality of life, improve efficiency and even conquer new businesses and markets, with the generation of new jobs. Betting on Circular Economy is to improve the environment and protect the planet, and all that inhabit it.

Now or Never