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    971 results


    Network Configuration
    The configuration of the networks depends on the arrangement of the respective branches. In the case of the radial or star network, the branches depart in antenna from a single source, being fed from one end. In a ringed or knitted net, the branches are attached to a number of knots; The food can be made from several points.
    Network Controller
    Centralized regulator (secondary regulator) that acts on the regulator of the turbines of some plants for the frequency of the network or frequency of the network and to meet its programmed values.
    Network Neutral Regime
    Arrangement taken for the connection of the secondary neutral of the transformers that feed a polyphase network. Note: The neutral can be grounded by: - a resistance that limits current or; -a compensating coil (Peterson coil) to limit the current in the event of a single-phase fault in the circuit (single-phase fault). The neutral can, however, be isolated.
    Network Protection Equipment
    Electrical set of equipment used to protect the network against all internal and external disturbances and disturbances, including atmospheric overvoltages, overvoltages or internal faults due to short circuits or maneuvers, possible deterioration resulting from Corrosion and ice or caused by man and other external agents. Note: The choice of protective equipment is partly linked to the neutral system of the network (see Network neutral system). Note: Automatic protections that improve the quality of service of the network (see quality of service of an electrical network) include fast reconnection devices after a cut, and a delayed reconnection. Note: The protection of networks can also be ensured by "distance" protections, which allow the disconnection of a mesh network or the insulation of a faulty part.
    Network Stability
    Faculty of a network return the initial state of equilibrium after the initial disappearance after the disappearance of a disturbance.
    Network Stability
    Faculty of a network returning to the initial equilibrium state after a disturbance disappears. Note: In a power transmission network, stability problems may arise due to the characteristics of the network itself and to several separate sources of energy injection (or power generation). In the case of interconnection of large power grids , problems can be resolved by suitable couplings.
    newton (N)
    Unit of force. Newton is the force that, when applied to a body having a mass of 1 kilogram, transmits an acceleration of 1 meter per second squared. 1 N = 1 kg m / s 2
    NO <sub> x </sub> - Nitrogen oxides
    Gases consisting of a nitrogen atom and a variable number of oxygen atoms. Atmospheric pollutants formed by the oxidation of nitrogen at high temperatures. One of those responsible for the phenomena of photochemical fog and acid deposition.
    Nominal Energy
    Product of rated power for the duration of the reference period.
    Nominal Flow (Turbine)
    Flow for which the turbine is sized.
    Nominal Power
    Maximum continuous power for which the installation is designed. It is usually indicated in the specifications supplied by the manufacturer and in the plate affixed to the machines. Note: In the case of gas it is also referred to as net power and corresponds to the quantity of heat actually usable in the unit of time for the nominal heat output.
    Nominal Voltage
    Voltage specified in the specifications of a machine or apparatus, from which the test conditions and the limits of the operating voltage are determined.
    Non-Commercial Energy
    Forms of energy that are not the subject of a commercial exchange; Are difficult to account for in the balance sheets, although these are established from physical and non-monetary flows since products obtained directly can not usually be quantified except through specific consumer surveys. Note 1: This is a literal definition that does not fully correspond t o practice, where non-commercial energy is also used instead of traditional energy. For example, wood, wood charcoal and waste can be traded. Note 2: Non-commercial energy is generally derived from vegetable or animal products, sometimes as by-products of agricultural, forestry or evenindustrial activities; The term also applies to solar or wind energy or to small hydraulic installations in individual or semi-individual installations. Note 3: Difficulties in accounting and taking these energy sources into account in the balance sheets stem not only from the uncertainty about the quantities involved,but also from the lack of precision of the equivalence factors allowing them to be integrated and The dispersion of operating income
    Non-Energy Final Consumption
    Consumption at the final level of: (1) quantities of products normally considered for energy use but consumed as raw materials in the chemical industry (eg natural gas, naphtha, coal and by-products, etc.) > 2) quantities of products for non-energy use resulting from the processing of energy products (lubricants, white spirit, bitumen, etc.). Note: In the case of hydraulic pumping, the balance of pumping (difference between electricity produced and pumped electricity) is attributed to the electricity sector's own consumption, and the auxiliary consumption is included in this heading.
    Non-hazardous wastes
    Annual sum of the quantities of non-hazardous waste disposed of, defined in accordance with the European Waste List, approved by Administrative Rule no. 209/2004 of 3 March. Waste resulting from the activity of service providers is not included.
    Non-Renewable Energy Resources
    Known and presumed non-renewable energy accruals which may be economically exploitable under current conditions or for the foreseeable future.
    Non-Smoke Fuel
    Fuel whose natural or special treatment properties are such that, on combustion products, it only emits minor amounts of visible solid or liquid substances (eg ash, soot, tar) in combustion products (fumes).
    Normal Force
    Component of the wind force on a profile, perpendicular to the profile rope.
    National Plan for the Allocation of CO Emission Licenses 2.
    National Program for Climate Change.