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    971 results


    Nuclear Central
    Installation in which the energy released from nuclear fuel is converted into electrical energy.
    Nuclear Fusion
    Nuclear fusion consists of the joining of two atomic nuclei into a heavier nucleus, usually accompanied by energy release. The processes of fusion in the Sun form the basis of solar radiation. If controlled nuclear fusion could be realized on Earth, this would put unlimited amounts of energy at the disposal of mankind. Research and development on fusion concentrates to date on the concepts of magnetic confinement and inertial plasma confinement. "Cold fusion" in electrolytic processes is also being investigated, however, this option is very controversial and was therefore not considered. This section includes terms that are important enough to most users of this dictionary. The experts will be able to use a more complete work "Panel on the Physics and Fluids" (USA), Plasma and Fluids, National Academy Press, Washington DC, Third Printing (1987).



    International agencies, NGOs, indigenous communities and governments that are not part of the COP can participate in the Conference as Observers, intervene and even organise parallel events. However, they are not able to vote on the decisions taken.

    Occupational disease rate
    Ratio of the number of occupational diseases recognized by a competent authority per million hours worked.
    Occurrences of Energy Raw Materials of Fossil and Mineral Origin
    A set of energy raw materials of fossil and mineral origin geologically considered irrespective of their economic interest.
    Ocupation Zone
    Land area required for the construction and operation of a plant, including all ancillary facilities (processing plant, roads, railways, etc.).
    Note: Hydroelectric power plants are all the hydraulic circuit from the reservoir to the restitution.
    ohm (W )
    Unit of electrical resistance. Ohm is the electrical resistance between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 volt applied between them produces a current of 1 ampere, provided that the conductor is not the seat of any electromotive force. 1 V / A
    OHSAS 18001 Rules
    Integrated rules in the "Occupational Health and Safety Assesment Series" for the certification of occupational safety and health management systems.
    Onda de Deriva
    Wave that appears in a confined plasma, produced in the presence of salinity gradients.
    Open Circuit Cooling
    The procedure is to take the water from a reservoir, lake, sea or a stream of water and return it hot, after having passed through the condensers of the central, to the same reservoir or watercourse.
    Open-air exploration (Discovered Exploration)
    Outdoor exploration of an outcropping field or after removal of land cover.
    Open-air exploration of great depth
    Open-air exploration of a depth of more than 200 m.

    At EDP we are willing to seek and explore different perspectives, experiences and diverse opinions. We place our heart towards: showing a receptive mind to others’ opinions, ideas and being open to try new things; recognizing the value that different perspectives bring to the organization; embracing and encouraging differences and we value the uniqueness of our people; acknowledging and mitigating own biases.

    Opening of an Open Sky Mine
    A set of measures taken to prepare for the extraction of an open pit, with the exception of works for the recognition of the deposit. Included in this set are both initial operations and those designed to increase the length or depth of the holding.
    Operating Voltage
    Voltage under which the electrical installations (production, transport, etc.) are in service.
    Operation Time
    The length of time an installation, or part of it, provides usable power.
    Optical yield
    Relation between the energetic illumination of the solar radiation of the photosensitive part of the cell and the energetic illumination on the whole cell.
    Oscillating Water Column
    A device for utilizing wave energy consisting essentially of a bottomless box and a hole in the upper art; The waves make the water column oscillate inside the box, causing a flow of oscillating air through the hole, thus making an air turbine work.
    The intersecting surface of a deposit or part of a deposit with the earth's surface or with an overlapping layer.
    Own Consumption of a Network
    Consumption of electrical energy in auxiliary or annexed electrical installations, necessary for the proper functioning of the network.