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    971 results


    Own consumption of production
    Amount of electric energy consumed annually by the company's total electricity production facilities, necessary for its normal operation. Includes all production-related services (consumption of ancillary services, synchronous compensation and pumping) and non-affects.
    Own Consumption of the Energy Sector (Internal Consumption of the Energy Sector or Consumption of the Energy Sector)
    Energy quantities of all types used by energy producers and processors for the operation of their facilities (eg heating, lighting, etc.).
    Own Power Central Consumption
    Electricity consumed by a plant in its ancillary services, including consumption when it is out of service, as well as the losses of the main transformers.


    Lateral delimitation of a holding. Each surface of attack for a holding is continuously advanced in the course of the exploitation of a bed.
    Parallel Exploration
    Method according to which the workbenches on which the excavating machines circulate progress parallel to each other in the direction of the holding. The workbenches of the dismantled products progress generally in the same way.
    Partial Oxidation Thermochemical Processes and Catalytic Reactions
    These processes lead to gaseous phases rich in H 2 , CO and N 2 . By catalytic processes substitute natural gas, synthetic liquid fuels, For fixed or mobile engines, as well as viable chemical byproducts. Note: Gasification in the presence of oxygen is more complex than gasification in the presence of air and allows to obtain a gas which does not contain nitrogen.
    Partial Replacement Method
    Accounting for all energies except electricity, on the basis of their strict calorific power. Electricity is, in principle, accounted for on the basis of the fossil energy that would be required for its production. This method is not always used in practice if electricity is produced from hydropower, nuclear or so-called new or renewable energies.
    Note: Consideration of several methods and various accounting criteria leads in practice to find balance sheets where, for example. One can apply the principles of the primary equivalent to availabilities and those of strict calorific power to uses. These balance sheets may be referred to as mixed balances.
    Atmospheric pollutant consisting of finely divided material suspended in air.
    Pascal (Pa) Unit of tension and pressure.
    The pascal is the uniform tension or pressure which, acting on a flat surface of 1 square meter, exerts perpendicularly on this surface a total force of 1 newton.
    1 Pa = 1 N / m 2
    Passive Availability Time
    Time interval during which an installation. Or part of it, could provide usable power after the normal start-up time.
    PCB - Polychlorinated biphenyls
    Group of chemical compounds of synthetic origin, toxic and persistent. Until their manufacture was banned, in the late 1970s, they were widely used as insulating fluid in the global electrical industry.
    Peak Power of a Solar Cell
    Maximum power obtained in a solar cell under standard conditions AM 1 to 300 K (unless specified otherwise).
    Pellets injection
    Injection of solid hydrogen pellets to feed the magnetically confined plasmas was successfully tested.
    Situation of supply inferior to the demand.
    Performance of the Pumping Cycle of a Pumping Accumulation Plant
    Relation between the electric energy produced from the pumping and the electric energy consumed in the pumping to restore the same volume of turbine water in the upper reservoir, during a single cycle.
    Phase Control
    Control that acts in the energy extraction mechanism of the waves cyclically stops a body or an oscillating air flow or by any other means, aiming to reach working conditions near the resonance and in this way to maximize the amount of energy that is extracted.
    Photovoltaic Applications
    Initially, photovoltaic conversion was mainly used in space devices (artificial satellites). Land applications for telecommunications, cathodic protection of pipelines, signaling, electrification of isolated settlements, etc. are also being developed. Autonomous power supply can also be used in installations such as lighthouses, refuges, isolated schools and hospitals, individual or small-scale household electrification (rural electrification of villages or collective electrification away from the grid). network. Photovoltaic is also used as intermediate power (battery charging) or miniaturized. Sanitary and rural development applications also multiply in the form of solar refrigerators (for the cultivation of vaccines, for example), solar water pumps or other equipment that can work equally by exploiting the thermal properties of solar energy.
    Photovoltaic Cell (Solar Cell, Solar Pile)
    A device that uses the photovoltaic effect to directly convert solar radiation into electrical energy. Note: Solar cells use mainly monocrystalline silicon. The use of polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon or other base materials, and new manufacturing methods, for example in ingots, tends to lower the costs of the cells.
    Fully mechanized extraction of the loose lands lying on the ground in an open-air operation, as well as of the rocky parts including transport of the extracted masses to the means of transport.
    Prevention and Integrated Pollution Control.