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    embracing change

    At EDP we promote and embrace change as a positive and necessary movement to evolve. We are driven towards: fostering and welcoming new and varied experiences; reacting positively to change and its potential consequences; seeing change as an opportunity to evolve and learn; adapting to change effortlessly and having appetite or drive to enact or being involved in the change.

    Emergency Emptying Time
    Time required to empty a reservoir using all available means, including turbines.
    Emissions Trading
    European Emissions Trading Scheme, started in January 2005 and is the largest multi-sector and multi-stakeholder emissions trading scheme. This scheme is supported by Directive 2003/87 / EC which entered into force on 25 October 2003.
    Relation between the thermal radiation capacity of a body and that of the blackbody at the same temperature.
    Note: Emissivity translates the emission power of a body that varies with the wavelength.
    Emissões Fugitivas

    Nome dado às emissões de gases com efeito de estufa para a atmosfera como consequência indireta de algumas atividades, ou que não estão devidamente contabilizadas e controladas. Essas perdas acontecem frequentemente nas àreas da indústria petrolífera ou do gás natural.

    Employees eligible for retirement
    Number of employees who, in the period under consideration, reach the age necessary to apply for old-age retirement or fulfill certain conditions (age and years of age) to apply for early retirement under Collective Bargaining Instruments.
    Empty tension of a Solar Cell
    Voltage at the terminals of an open circuit solar cell, under AM 1 to 300 K conditions (unless otherwise specified).
    END - Non-Distributed Energy
    Technical indicator of quality of service. Estimated value of undistributed energy at the point of delivery of linked distributors, due to supply interruptions, for a given time period (usually 1 calendar year).
    END - Non-Distributed Energy
    Technical indicator of quality of service. Estimated value of undistributed energy at the point of delivery of linked distributors, due to supply interruptions, for a given time period (usually 1 calendar year).
    Energetic Balance (Energy Balance)
    The term energy balance has an accounting meaning. The energy balance of a given area over a given period is, by definition, balanced (between inputs and outputs) and presented as an accounting balance. Note 1: The geographical and temporal limits of the balance sheets are variable and, in the case of a given country and a given period, national and annual balance sheets, such as national accounts, are established in most cases. Balance sheets for monthly, quarterly, etc. And / or at subnational or supranational scales (regional balance sheets). Note 2: The energy accounted for in the balance sheets can be referred to the different stages of the energy chain: primary, derived, final and useful energies; In these different phases, the energy taken into account may or may not have been subject to monetary exchange. An integrated balance sheet is a balance sheet representing all flows (including changes in stocks) from primary provisioning to final consumption and, in some cases, to useful energy. Note 3: The table used is only a convenient form of representation, presenting significant differences depending on the stage of the energy chain to which it applies. There is currently a trend towards harmonization of modes of presentation and basic concepts, in particular by certain international organizations - the United Nations has generally adopted the format of matrices: columns for energy forms; Supplies and uses. Its recommendations make it easier to interpret and compare the balance sheets (they are not international standards, nor can we speak of standardized balances). In practice, and respecting harmonized frameworks, each country and each organization can choose the forms of balance sheets best suited to their specific objectives and needs.
    Energetic Global Balance
    Balance sheet representing, in a consistent accounting framework, the quantities of energy produced, processed and consumed in a given geographical area and in a given period of time; These energy quantities are accounted for in single account units for comparison and addition.
    Note 1: A global balance sheet assumes a set of conventions and drafting rules to avoid double counting. The expression in a common unit of energy quantities previously accounted for in specific units implies the use of conversion / equivalence factors, which are indispensable for the interpretation of the balance sheet. Note 2: The overall balance also serves to assess the coherence of the underlying data with the accounting system chosen.
    Energetic Lighting of Solar Radiation (Irradiance)
    Flow of solar radiation incident on a surface of unit area per unit of time. It is a power density. SI unit: watt per square meter, W / m. Note: Integrated over a defined period, the flux of solar radiation incident on the surface unit is called irradiation or exposure (energy) exposure insolation. Although expressed in units of the SI system in J / m, other units of energy (kWh), time (hour, day, year) or surface (cm <2> ) are often used Then be specified.
    Energetic Plantation
    Planting of fast-growing species, renewable cyclically and allowing a large quantity of raw material for the production of synthetic fuels and fuels. The following can be distinguished:
    terrestrial energy crops: (1) or agricultural crops using cassava, sugar cane, euphorbia, etc., with basic products; Forestry plantations using fast-growing tree plantations such as eucalyptus or pinus radiata for energy purposes;
    marine energy plantations:
    plantations on the coastal shelf based on extraordinary capacities Of growth of some giant algae that, under appropriate climatic conditions, often exceed the capacity of the best land plantation. Positive effects were obtained from "macrocystis pyrifera";

    Note: Energy-related species are often referred to as fast-growing, cultivated species In different plantations or farms.
    Energetic Policy
    Part of the economic policy which deals with energy supply, transformation, distribution and uses. Energy policy must take into account, inter alia, national and global possibilities and resources, conservation (especially non-renewable primary sources) and protection of the environment.
    Note: A country or a region can therefore be led to support voluntary actions that alter the conditions of supply and consumer behavior (eg rural electrification programs, campaigns for the use of butane gas, Energy and environmental protection, etc.).
    Energetic Power
    Set of known energy resources present in nature, without taking into account the technical or economic possibilities of their exploitation.
    Energetic Resources
    A set of energies or energy sources present in nature that can be economically exploitable
    Energetic System
    In the physical sense: bodies or devices that contain energy as a characteristic of origin or as a consequence of external actions.
    In energy saving: a technical-economic package that allows meeting the energy needs of economic agents
    Energetic Technique
    Part of the technique that aims at the valorization of energy resources, their transformation. Distribution and use.
    Note: Technique and technology are terms sometimes used indifferently, which is not correct. It is recommended to use it in its strictest sense.
    The energy can be expressed in joules, kilowatt-hours, calories or British thermal units, all these units being able to be applied to any type of energy, irrespective of its origin. (See also Energy Account Unit [Common Unit]).
    Capacity of a system to produce external effects (Max Plank). Note 1: Energy may be in the following forms: - mechanical energy; Thermal energy (internal energy, enthalpy); - chemical bonding energy; - physical connection power; -electromagnetic radiation energy; -electricity. Note 2: In this work energy is considered only in its physical sense or in its economic sense (as a product, as a factor of Production). Note 3: In a technical-economic context we will use the term work to designate the energy consumed in a process, the power being the work done in a given time. As for the force which is, in the proper sense, a vector quantity which causes either changes in direction or velocity of a moving body, or deformations in a body maintained by other forces, it sometimes designates energy or power , for example, with the hydraulic force contained in certain official texts). Note 4: SI unit: joule (J).