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Livedrive / Miguel Aires

We believe that vehicle connectivity and Big Data are the keys to higher levels of road mobility sustainability, through a cultural change of how people own and drive a car. The project i2D motivates the individual to improve the car usage, promoting a cultural change and consequent social benefit. Participants: Miguel Aires (CEO) - / Thomas Ryd (CEO) is the commercial entity behind the open source project Mender, which has adopted the open core model for its delivery and monetization strategy providing a freely available open source product to securely update connected devices, while having commercial features to be built on top of its open source core product.Participants: Thomas Ryd (CEO) -

Powerstar / L. Brownless, R. Macklin

Powerstar aims to ensure, emphasised by its intellectual property, a differentiated product offering through the quality of its bespoke products that utilise leading-edge technologies to deliver market leading smart energy solutions. Participants: Lindsay Brownless (Head of Commercial and Marketing) -, Robert Macklin (CFO) -