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Datapole / Frédéric Gagnaire

Datapole is an editor of software solutions dedicated to the optimization of human and material resources. The solutions developed by Datapole rely on powerful algorithms of artificial intelligence and big data technologies dedicated to operational performance. These solutions help better understand and anticipate the fluctuations of an activity in order to better size and allocate the resources close to the real needs of the company. / Participants: Frédéric Gagnaire (CEO) -

Dexma / Miguel Cruz, Didier Dubau

Dexma is an energy data-driven software company specialized in big data, IA, and energy management to optimize building's energy consumption by means of a strategy to detect, analyze and control. I Participants: Miguel Cruz (R&D Director) -, Didier Dubau (EMEA | Business Developer) -

Elecgy / Pedro Díaz-Marta, Juan del Río

Elecgy is a technology-based company aiming to transform electric power management at the demand side by providing smart and connected electronic systems that minimize losses and maximize energy efficiency. Participants: Pedro Luis Salazar Díaz-Marta (CTO) -, Juan Carlos del Río (COO) -

Emtech / Georgios Stravopodis

Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in the distribution grid. Participants: Georgios Stravopodis (Product Manager) -

Enging / Gualter Sampaio, Marco Ferreira

A Enging é especializada em soluções inovadoras de monitorização de condições de ativos industriais para motores elétricos e transformadores de potência, com foco nas mais recentes tecnologias IIoT. Todas as tecnologias desenvolvidas são não invasivas e detetam as principais falhas nestes ativos através de uma nova técnica de manutenção preditiva baseada apenas em variáveis elétricas. Essas tecnologias de monitorização foram totalmente desenvolvidas pela Enging, sendo uma tecnologia pioneira no mercado, que se destaca pelas vantagens em relação às demais tecnologias existentes. Participantes: Gualter Sampaio (Gerente de Desenvolvimento de Negócios) -, Marco Ferreira (CEO) -

Greenflux / Michel Scholtes, Esra Degens

Greenflux develops a cloud-based smart charging platform and a range of smart charging controllers. The cloud-based platform powers Charge Point Operators over the world by facilitating asset management, international roaming, billing and transactions. The smart charging controller fits in every charge station and changes it into a smart energy station. Participants: Michel Scholtes (Sales & Account Director ) -, Esra Degens (International Sales Manager) -