
We periodically monitor the quality of the effluents, in accordance with the provisions of the respective environmental licences and legislation in force.

In the particular case of Soto de Ribera, the discharge medium is the River Nalón, which is declared a Site of Community Interest. Its effluents are subject to temperature conditions and physical-chemical parameters that guarantee that the receiving medium is not altered.

The thermal impact of the cooling water at EDP's thermoelectric power stations is periodically monitored in accordance with the specific characteristics of each power station and the respective environmental permits. Aerial thermography and the measurements carried out enable compliance with the established temperature limits to be verified.
The thermal impact of the cooling water at EDP's thermoelectric power stations is periodically monitored, in accordance with the specific characteristics of each power station and the respective environmental licenses. Aerial thermography and the measurements carried out make it possible to verify compliance with the established temperature limits.

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