edp announcement

EDP’s Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting Resolutions

Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Lisbon, April 10th, 2024:EDP S.A. (“EDP”)[1] informs that, at the General Shareholders Meeting held on April 10th, 2024, the Shareholders approved the following resolutions:

  1. Individual and consolidated accounting documents for the 2023 financial year, including the single management report (which includes a corporate governance chapter), the individual and consolidated accounts, and the annual report and opinion of the General and Supervisory Board (which integrates the annual report of the Financial Matters Committee / Audit Committee) and the statutory certification of the individual and consolidated accounts, as well as the sustainability information (containing the consolidated non-financial statement), and consideration of the Remuneration Report and of the Progress Report on the Climate Transition Plan.
  2. Proposals presented by the Executive Board of Directors for the:
    1. allocation of EDP’s 2023 profits amounting to €823,636,270.41, as follows: 

Legal Reserve…………………………..……………….….€ 1,239,873.03

Endowment to EDP’s Foundation………....….....€ 1,000,000.00

Retained earnings……………………...………..…..€ 821,396,387.38

    1. distribution of dividends in the following amount:


(*which corresponds to a gross dividend of €0.195 per share)

  1. General appraisal of EDP's management and supervision in accordance with Article 455 of the Portuguese Companies Code, through a vote of confidence and praise.
  2. Authorisation to the Executive Board of Directors to acquire and dispose of own shares by EDP and subsidiaries of EDP.
  3. Authorisation to the Executive Board of Directors to acquire and dispose of EDP-owned bonds.
  4. Amendment of the Articles of Association of EDP.
  5. Proposed remuneration policy of the members of the Executive Board of Directors, submitted by the Remuneration Committee of the General and Supervisory Board.
  6. Proposed remuneration policy of the members of the remaining corporate bodies, submitted by the Remuneration Committee appointed by the General Shareholders’ Meeting.
  7. Appointment of (i) the members of the General and Supervisory Board, (ii) the members of the Executive Board of Directors, (iii) the Statutory Auditor and the Alternate Statutory Auditor, (iv) the members of the Board of the General Shareholders’ Meeting and (v) the members of the Remuneration Committee to be appointed by the General Shareholders’ Meeting (including their respective remuneration), for the 2024-2026 triennium mandate, in the following terms:
  1. General and Supervisory Board


António Bernardo Aranha da Gama Lobo Xavier


China Three Gorges Corporation[2] – represented by Shengliang Wu

China Three Gorges International Limited3 – represented by Guobin Qin

China Three Gorges (Europe), S.A.3 – represented by Ignacio Herrero Ruiz

China Three Gorges Brasil Energia, S.A.3 – represented by Hui Zhang

China Three Gorges (Portugal), Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.3 – represented by Miguel Espregueira Mendes Pereira Leite

Draursa, S.A.4 – represented by Victor Roza Fresno

Fernando María Masaveu Herrero

Helena Sofia Silva Borges Salgado Fonseca Cerveira Pinto

Zili Stephen Shao

Alicia Reyes Revuelta

Gonçalo Moura Martins

María José García Beato

Sandra Maria Santos

Stephen Vaughan

Lisa Frantzis

  1. Executive Board of Directors


Miguel Stilwell de Andrade


Rui Manuel Rodrigues Lopes Teixeira

Vera de Morais Pinto Pereira Carneiro

Ana Paula Garrido de Pina Marques

Pedro Collares Pereira de Vasconcelos


  1. Statutory Auditor and Alternate Statutory Auditor

Statutory Auditor:

PricewaterhouseCoopers & Associados – Sociedade de Revisores de Contas, Lda., represented by Pedro Miguel Oliveira Vieira Lima, ROC

Alternate Statutory Auditor:

Carlos José Figueiredo Rodrigues, ROC


  1. Board of the General Shareholders’ Meeting


Luís Maria Viana Palha da Silva


Inês Viseu Carvalho de Pinto Leite Teles Soares

Company Secretary:

To be determined by the Executive Board of Directors


  1. Remuneration Committee appointed by the General Shareholders’ Meeting


Luís Miguel Nogueira Freire Cortes Martins


Soledade Carvalho Duarte

Maria Manuela Cipriano Messias





[1] The change of the Company’s corporate name from “EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A.” to “EDP, S.A.” was approved at the General Shareholders Meeting held on April 10th, 2024, and is pending registration.

[2] At the present date, China Three Gorges Corporation informed EDP of the respective representative’s appointment.

3 According to the information made available to the market on April 3rd, 2024.

4 According to the information made available to the market on March 28th, 2024.