edp announcement

Modification to the chain of entities controlling the qualified holding of IPIC

Monday, 21 July 2008

International Petroleum Investment Company ("IPIC"), a company wholly owned by the government of Abu Dhabi, has notified EDP that all of its shares in EDP, in an amount of 73,130,755 ordinary shares, representing 2.00% of the share capital in EDP and 2.01% of the corresponding voting rights, have been transferred to Senfora SARL, a Luxembourg company that is wholly and directly owned by IPIC.

Pursuant to article 20, 1, b) of the Portuguese Securities Code, the 2.01% of voting rights corresponding to said 73,130,755 ordinary shares of EDP continue to be attributable to IPIC on the basis of the full-ownership of Senfora SARL.

EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A.