edp announcement

Energias do Brasil agrees the sale of telecom company ESC90

Friday, 29 August 2008

EDP - Energias do Brasil, S.A.- 62.4% owned by EDP signed with Net Serviços de Comunicação S.A. and other a sale and purchase agreement for the sale of 100% stake in the share capital of Esc 90 Telecomunicações Ltda. for an reference amount of BRL 94.6 million (approximately €39.4 million).

EDP - Energias do Brasil, S.A. ("Energias do Brasil") - 62.4% owned by EDP signed with Net Serviços de Comunicação S.A. and other a sale and purchase agreement for the sale of 100% stake in the share capital of Esc 90 Telecomunicações Ltda. ("Esc90") for an reference amount of BRL 94.6 million (approximately €39.4 million).

ESC90 provides cable TV and broadband internet services in Vitória and Vila Velha, municipalities located in Escelsa's concession area. This operation's closing will be subject to approval by the Brazilian telecom sector regulator, ANATEL.

EDP estimates that this operation will have a non-recurrent impact of approximately €7 million in the EDP's consolidated net profit.

This disposal is in line with EDP's strategy of divesting on non-core assets and focus on core business.

EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A.