portugal entra em cena

EDP initiative Let's Go Local extends application deadline until June 19th

Tuesday 09, June 2020

Company challenges the nation's artists to reinvent the celebration of traditional Portuguese music within the scope of the Portuguese movement #EntraEmCena

EDP launched the Let's Go Local challenge to provide a stage for Portuguese artists and help maintain the traditional festivities characteristic of Portugal. To allow more artists and bands to be able to present their ideas in a creative and solid way, EDP decided to extend the application deadline until June 19th.

From Alentejo singers to popular music, through folklore, EDP continues to challenge artists to present a creative concept that celebrates traditional Portuguese music. Artists interested in participating should also send a video of their performance and indicate the location and technical needs for the realization of their idea.

These ideas must be submitted by June 19th, on the Portuguese website #EntraEmCena, and those that best reflect the essence of Portuguese popular music, may be implemented later this year.

“This is a challenging year and we all had to adapt to a new reality. EDP also had to reinvent itself in its support for music. Now, more than ever, it is important to be on the side of the Portuguese people, to support what is ours, our music and our culture; and for this reason, EDP decided to invest in this territory. With this initiative, we want to challenge all traditional Portuguese music artists to present their ideas that can take music to various corners of our country,” says Paulo Campos Costa, Director of Brand, Marketing, and Communication at EDP.

The Portuguese #EntraEmCena movement is an unprecedented project among artists, brands, public and private companies, who have joined together in a collaborative effort to safeguard culture and its stakeholders at this critical moment for the sector. This platform allows artists to launch ideas and obtain investment for the project design and development phase. Private and public companies can also find talent and ideas proposed by artists and challenge the development of new artistic projects, choosing the ones they want to finance.

Launched in April, the movement has the support of EDP, which has joined other entities with a history of connection to and investment in culture, as well as institutional support from the Ministry of Culture.