EDP and Sonatrach terminate partnership
EDP and Sonatrach terminate partnership
Lisbon, October 27th, 2021:EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A. (“EDP”) and Société Nationale pour la Recherche, la Production, le Transport, la Transformation et la Commercialisation des Hydrocarbures (“Sonatrach”) have agreed to terminate the partnership entered into in 2007 in a context of CCGTs capacity growth in the Iberian market and, as a consequence, EDP assumes the full control of Soto 4 CCGT in Spain, with a 426MW installed capacity, through the acquisition of the 25% stake owned by Sonatrach and terminates the commercial relations with Sonatrach associated to the 2007 partnership. This transaction provides EDP with additional flexibility to manage the transition to become carbon neutral with 100% of its electricity generation coming from renewables by 2030.
This information is disclosed pursuant to the terms and for the purposes of the article 17 of Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council and of article 248-A of the Portuguese Securities Code.
EDP – Energias de Portugal. S.A.