
EDP ​​and Politico promote debate on the challenges of renewables in Europe

Wednesday 04, October 2023

European Commissioner for Energy and EDP's CEO will discuss the role of clean energy and the remaining obstacles to accelerate the energy transition in the European context.

EDP ​​and Politico will promote a debate on the challenges of renewable energy in Europe, on October 9th, in Brussels. The event will feature the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, the CEO of WindEurope, Giles Dickson, and Nicolás González Casares, member of the European Parliament, as speakers. Miguel Stilwell d’Andrade, EDP group's CEO, will open the debate, which will take place between 4:30 pm and 5:25 pm (local time).

The role of renewable energy in a particularly challenging context and the obstacles that remain on the horizon will be some of the topics under discussion, as well as the need to accelerate the energy transition to meet the Europe's net zero commitments. The debate will also focus on the importance of emerging technologies and electrical infrastructure to achieve carbon neutrality objectives, as well as on the role governments play in the transformation needed to unequivocally tackle climate change.

With around 80% of its production being generated from renewable sources, EDP has stood out for its leadership in the energy transition, with a clear commitment to become 100% green by 2030. The group's Strategic Plan foresees a global investment of 25 billion euros up to 2026 to accelerate a fair energy transition, based on innovation, the talent of its people and the protection of the planet and communities.

For more information and online registration, please access the event website.