Organizations that strive for excellence are those committed to the satisfaction of their stakeholders through what they do, the way that they do it and their future potential to do so.

Within the current scenario, where collaborative networking is crucial to success, the value that the EDP Group generates is increasingly determined by the performance of its suppliers. Suppliers are crucial to the success of the Group, and have a significant impact on the relationship that EDP has with its customers, through their ability to innovate, to adopt corporate social responsibility policies and to provide a strategic contribution in order to maintain EDP’s leadership in its business areas. Within this context, the objective of EDPartners is the continuous quest for excellence, by recognizing the best suppliers in the EDP Group and the international visibility of our partners in the geographical areas in which we operate.

EDP therefore took the decision to promote the EDPartners Awards in order to encourage the adoption of best practices in key areas for the competitiveness of our suppliers and the EDP Group; and the EDPartners Roadshows that aim to promote Portuguese suppliers along with companies in the markets in which we operate, through a series of networking events. For organizations to achieve their goals, it is fundamental to be aligned with their stakeholders. At EDP, we see that alignment not only as a need but also as an opportunity for the company and its partners.

Major priorities for capacity building initiatives are ESG capacity, LEAN integration, technical training and innovation. ESG capacity initiatives are fundamentally focused on identified risks: compliance, environmental and safety programs.

In 2015, EDP has initiated a program for suppliers, in collaboration with other companies under BCSD umbrella, on Climate Change challenges and ESG management.

Collaborative networking with suppliers is crucial to the success of EDP Group. This concept demands a proactive capacity-building program with focus on continuous improvement, shared between the company and its suppliers, where dialogue, visibility, best practices disclosure, developing trustworthy relations and training new capacities are the key issues. Examples:

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Recognizing the best suppliers of the EDP Group, propels the internationalization of our partners in the regions where we operate, which is the goal of EDPartners.


Local business capacity development in Moray Firth


Electricity Sector Technical Qualification Association (AQTSE) as Technical Skills Recognition and Training Center