In Brazil, promoting human development through sport, education and culture.
With EDP's support, the Street Football Institute supported 560 children from underprivileged backgrounds, promoting their inclusion and training through sports.
Champions of education
EDP joined the Instituto Futebol de Rua pela Educação, a non-profit organization headquartered in Curitiba and with branches all over Brazil. Since 2006, it has promoted human development through sport, education and culture.
The Instituto Futebol de Rua pela Educação was born in the Heliópolis community, in São Paulo, with the goal of supporting children and young people who used to skip school to play ball in the street.
Based on a study carried out with schools, the project's promoters developed a proposal based on education for citizenship, centered on sports, In this context, street soccer is used as a tool for social transformation.
The Instituto Futebol de Rua sees itself as an agent of social transformation, promoting the sportive, cultural and social inclusion of children and teenagers from underprivileged backgrounds, contributing to a strengthening of citizenship and to the formation and reinforcement of values. Throughout its sixteen years of activity, it has already supported around 30,000 children and teenagers all over Brazil.
The project, which is developed in conjunction with schools from the municipal education network, is aimed at children and young people between the ages of 7 and 17. The methodology adopted combines street soccer and training workshops, adopting fair play as the main rule: "the goal is worth less than the dribble and the students are the referees of their own games".
With EDP's support, the initiative reached another 560 children, aged 7 to 13, by 2022.