In Spain, equipping vulnerable children and families with life skills.
EDP supported the project "We are Unique and Equally Important People", whose mission is to equip vulnerable or at-risk children and families with life skills.
Skills for life
As part of the 2022 edition of the EDP Solidarity Program, EDP supported the extension of the project "Somos Pessoas Únicas e Igualmente Importantes", of the Spanish delegation of the Prevenir Association, to several municipalities of the Gran Canaria Islands, La Palma and Tenerife.
The project is based on a preventive intervention, in a school environment, based on the promotion of life skills. The intervention is gradual and seeks to respond to the needs identified by the pedagogical teams of the schools, the local entities and the team of the Prevenir Association.
Project objectives
With the project "We are unique and equally important people", Prevenir intends to strengthen its line of action aimed at monitoring vulnerable or at-risk children and families, addressing issues related to mental health, behavior, coexistence, violence, emotional management, learning delays, educational reinforcement, among others.
Thanks to EDP's support, it was also possible to train educational agents and hold technical sessions with young children, to promote life skills and promote equality and acceptance of differences.
Under the premise that all people are equally important, promoting equality is one of the project's strengths. The approach is based on children's rights and gender stereotypes to ensure that children grow up in equal terms.
In the field of social skills, issues such as assertive communication, knowing how to say "no" and accept a "no", knowing how to ask for help, as well as promoting equality and acceptance of differences are worked on. This work is fundamental for coexistence and, above all, to reduce conflicts, often generated by difficulties in integrating and accepting what is different.