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    971 results


    Cumulative economic value
    Calculated as the difference between the economic value generated and the economic value distributed (EC1 GRI indicator).
    Cumulative Economic Value (EBV)
    Calculated as the difference between the economic value generated and the economic value distributed (EC1 GRI indicator).
    curious learning

    At EDP we pursue growth opportunities, acquire different skills, and demonstrate an urge to always learn more. We focus our energy towards: having a passion for stretching and reinventing ourselves; craving to learn, understand and know more about a variety of things; embracing learning opportunities anytime and anywhere; actively learning through experimentation when tackling new problems, using both successes and failures as learning opportunities.


    Current Type
    It distinguishes between direct current and alternating current.
    Fine electric energy or gas users. Corresponds to the number of counters.
    Customers with special needs
    People with physical limitations such as vision, hearing, oral communication, mobility, or with dependencies of equipment ensured by the electrical network. It includes clients that have with them to cohabit people in the conditions of dependence of equipment assured by the electric network
    Cutting Station or Sectioning Station
    (High Voltage Installation) Electrical installation in which, by means of circuit breakers, the connection or selective cutting of the lines of a network or system or the points of delivery takes place.


    Daily or Weekly Regulation Center
    Central to water line with small capacity reservoirs that allow its intermittent operation (see Hydroelectric Central to Water Wire).
    Daily Storage
    Storage for which the reservoir has a daily filling and emptying cycle.
    Structure designed to create the accumulation of water by storing it.
    Dam Location
    Place of implementation of the work.
    Dam with Blade-Filled Evacuator
    Dam whose tippler has no floodgates.
    day (d)
    The day is a period of 86 400 seconds (24 hours).
    The length of time elapsed from the date of order (or other appropriate or specified date, eg date of commencement of works on the site) of a plant or plant, and the date on which, according to the contract, The first unit of such plant or plant may be considered to have been delivered or put into service.

    Declaración de posición de un país o de representantes de varios países que, aunque no es vinculante, demuestra la voluntad de asumir un compromiso futuro. Una declaración puede dar lugar a una decisión ratificada posteriormente por los países de la COP.

    Angle formed by the direction of the Sun and the plane of the equator.
    Note: The declination varies throughout the year (between +23.75 in the summer solstice and -23.75 in the winter solstice, it is null in the equinoxes).

    La plantación de árboles después de un incendio o en un lugar donde ya existían en el pasado es la reforestación. Para ayudar a la descarbonización también es posible invertir en la forestación, la creación de bosques y selvas en terrenos donde no los había, pero donde pueden prosperar sin un impacto negativo sobre las personas o el ecosistema.

    Degree of Incarbonization (Degree of Hulification)
    Stage reached by coal during incarbonization. The materials that underwent the less pronounced evolution are qualified as solid fuels of low degree of incarbonization; Those that have undergone a more pronounced evolution are qualified as solid fuels with a high degree of incarbonization. Most of the properties of coal depend on its degree of carbonization. There is a continuous gradation between the lowest degree (peat) and the highest degree (anthracite).
    The nomenclature and the parameters used to determine differences in the degree of incarbonization vary internationally.
    degree r(º)
    The degree is the unit of a plane angle equal to 1/360 of a complete circumference or to 1/90 of a right angle.
    Delivery Point
    Point of a network in which electricity is delivered to another network.