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    971 results


    Continuous Current
    Current whose polarity and intensity are constant.
    Conversion Factors
    Conversion factors are deployed so that, on a common basis, measures expressed in different units can be compared. In the field of energy, measures are mainly concerned with units of mass, volume, power and energy.
    Conversion Factors (Equivalence Coefficients)
    Coefficients that allow to pass the quantities expressed in a unit to quantities expressed in another unit. Note 1: These terms , which are often regarded as synonyms and which are used interchangeably in most texts, actually involve different notions. Note 2: A single measure for all forms of energy is somewhat artificial because it does not consider qualitative aspects of all orders that come into play (economic, exergy, substitution, etc.). On the other hand, in the case of an energy resulting from transformations, the calculation which allows to move from the specific unit to the common unit may use different coefficients depending on whether it is upstream or downstream of each stage of the transformation.
    Conversion of the Thermal Energy of the Oceans
    Exploration of the temperature differences between the surface and the bottom of the oceans produced by Gradient (thermal gradient), in view of the usable energy production. Such a temperature difference constitutes a thermal system which may be used to vaporize and condense a motive fluid, such as propane or ammonia, to drive a turbine or any other thermal engine.
    Electrical installation used to transform one type of current into another or a frequency in another.
    Zone downstream of the turbine in which it manifests its influence on undisturbed wind speed, which may cause turbulence.
    Conveyor Belts (Screens)
    They are used for continuous horizontal and / or inclined transport of debris, solid minerals or bulk materials. These conveyors are installed at a fixed location, movable by haulage or furniture. Conveyor belts incorporated into excavators, dump frames or debris conveyors are part of the fixed conveyors. A conveyor line means the set of two or more conveyors placed in series.
    There are designations relating to the location of conveyor belts, such as bench conveyor or stationary conveyor.
    Cooling in Cooling Humidity Tower
    A process consisting of passing the cooling water that has been heated in the condensers by cooling towers located downstream where the heat is transferred to the atmosphere, mainly by evaporation, with subsequent recycling in the condensers.
    Cooling water
    Volume of water collected annually for use in the cooling system of the primary circuit of the company's thermoelectric power plants.
    Cooling with Dry Cooling Tower
    Cooling system whereby heat from condensers dissipates into the atmosphere only by convexing in cooling towers.

    La Conferencia de las Partes (COP) es la reunión (conferencia) anual de los países (partes) que forman parte de la CMNUCC, la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático. Integrados en la COP están también el CME, que reúne a los países que firmaron el Acuerdo de París, y el CMP, para los países del Protocolo de Kioto.

    Coriolis Force
    Force resulting from the linear motion of a body in a rotating reference system.
    Corrected Flow
    The flow (see flow) of a current of water that would occur at a given moment and in a given section if there was no change in volume in the reservoirs of an effective basin (see actual basin).
    coulomb (C).
    Unit of amount of electricity. The coulomb is the amount of electricity transported for 1 second by an electric current of 1 ampere. 1 C = 1 A.s

    At EDP we step up to address difficult issues and make tough decisions. We are driven towards: quickly and decisively taking action in fast-changing, unpredictable situations; being willing to champion an idea or position despite the risk; being inquisitive about a wide range of issues, regardless of context; not hesitating in sharing our point of view.

    Crest Lenght
    Distance between adjacent crests of waves, measured perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
    The notion of "critical" characterizes certain particular conditions of functioning of a system, configuration of a component or state of a body.
    Critical Speed (Furling Speed)
    Wind speed at which the protective device on the turbine is activated to prevent it from being subjected to mechanical efforts.
    Crude Coal
    Uncollected or selected coal.
    Crude Coal Extracted
    Crude coal extracted from the deposit including the different impurities and residues present during the extraction.