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    971 results


    Total atmospheric emissions
    Emissions resulting from the operation of major groups and auxiliary groups. The CO 2 is calculated solely on the basis of the carbon content for coal. For the remaining fuels the calculation is made based on "standard" emission factors and on the PCI (Lower Calorific Power). In the conventional thermal production NO x and Particles are calculated based on continuous monitoring data and fuel consumption. The SO 2 is calculated based on the sulfur content of the fuel. In cogeneration and biomass all emissions, with the exception of CO 2 , are calculated on the basis of semiannual campaigns and the number of hours of operation.
    Total Final Consumption
    Quantities of energy available to the end user, including final energy consumption and non-energy final consumption.
    Total Geological Reserve (Geological Reserve)
    Volume (in cubic meters) or mass (in tonnes) of useful minerals or rock from a deposit or a part of a deposit.
    Criteria: the time period and the reservation area must be indicated. Reserves are divided according to their degree of exploitation in: proven reserves, probable reserves, possible reserves and estimated reserves.
    Total primary energy consumption
    Annual consumption of fossil fuels (and biomass) consumed in all thermal plants of the company and motor vehicle fleet, calculated on the basis of the weighted average calorific value (WBC), based on the volume consumed, for each type of fuel. In cogeneration plants, CIP is an annual average of daily consumption.
    Total Proved Reserves
    Total reserves calculated upon cessation of exploration of a reservoir.
    Total Reserves
    There are several methods of totaling reservations by categories (proven, probable, possible): The deterministic method consists of calculating the reserves of the same category as the sum of the reserves of the different deposits of that category. The probabilistic method deducts the categories of reserves by applying the probabilistic totalization of reserves to the probability thresholds corresponding to the definition of each category.
    This totalization presupposes that certain hypotheses have been placed on the degree of connection (in the probabilistic sense) between the uncertainties regarding the reserves of the different deposits. These hypotheses, which have a great influence on the final result, must be clearly stated. Note: it is usual to summarize the total reserves of a given deposit by the mathematical (R) expectation of reserves, or by fashion, or the P50 (when there is a distribution function) or by neighboring simplified functions, for example: R = 100% proved + 50% probable + 25% possible R = 100% proved + 67% probable + 33% possible. The mathematical hope of a set of deposits is the sum of the mathematical hopes of each.
    Towards Gallery
    Gallery towards rocky massifs where the archaeological sites are located.
    Trace Length
    Distance between the ends of an overhead or underground line, projected horizontally, measured along the axis of the line.
    Range of land required for the establishment of an airline or subway.
    Trained Collaborators
    Ratio of the number of staff members who were trained, regardless of the number of actions they took, and the total number of employees.
    Traning Volume
    Total annual hours of training calculated by the sum of the products, for each action, by the number of hours by the respective number of participants. It covers all actions of face-to-face or distance learning, including courses, seminars, congresses and conferences.
    Transfer Fluid (Secondary Circuit)
    Fluid through which heat is captured, stored or distributed directly.
    Transformation and Conversion of Energy
    Transformation and conversion are terms often used undifferentiated; However, in the strict sense, the transformation should apply to the production of energy with conservation of the physical state of the energy agent and conversion should be used when there is a modification of that physical state.
    Transformation or Conversion
    In balance sheets, these terms are used interchangeably to designate any physical or chemical change which would enable a more adapted derivative to be obtained without distinguishing between the two concepts. However, the term transformation is generally the most commonly used.
    Transformation Output (Output Power)
    Amount of energy transformed.
    Transformation Substation
    Electrical installation in which, through transformers, the transfer of electric energy between networks is carried out at different voltages.
    An operation consisting of circulating energy between two non-boundary networks, one, of origin, and another, final destination, through one or more intermediate networks. Note: The concept of third-party access to the network ("open access" and "common carrier") for the regulation of access rights, And the remuneration to be paid to the transmission grid.
    Transmission Factor (Transmittance)
    The ratio between the radiation passing through a given material and the radiation incident on the irradiated surface of that material.
    Transport Capacity
    Maximum permissible load for an electrical circuit or line taking into account heating, stability and voltage drop.
    Transportation (Extraction)
    Generic term for the displacement of the products slaughtered in the mine. The statistical data shall be accompanied by an indication of the corresponding limits of the operation.