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    971 results


    Thermal Gradient of the Oceans
    Temperature difference between deep water and water surface (may vary between 14 and 25ºC).
    Thermonuclear Fusion Conditions
    Production of a confined plasma at a temperature and density high enough to create a significant energy release by melting reaction (see Lawson's Criterion).
    Thermonuclear Ignition
    Condition that occurs when the energy contained in the alpha particles produced in the fusion reactions is equal to or greater than the total loss of heat from the plasma. It directly affects the fusion of the deuterium-tritium that has the minimum criticality.
    Thermonuclear Reaction
    Nuclear fusion reaction in which the intervening nuclei acquire, by thermal agitation, the kinetic energy necessary to overcome their electrostatic repulsion. Note: One example is the process by which the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction alpha particles can maintain the plasma temperature and thereby prolong the reaction conditions up to the consumption of the deuterium-tritium fuel.
    Tidal Ampiflication
    Effect whereby the amplitude of the tides on the coasts becomes greater than the amplitude of the tides in the high sea, due to the waves that advance to earth that deform as they enter progressively in shallower waters and also due to the waves reflected on the coast Which reinforce the waves that advance towards it; The two effects contribute to the amplification of the tides which may be influenced by their natural profile of the coasts or by special constructions and which are not attributable to the overlap of one tide with another.
    Tidal Barrage
    Retention work that crosses a bay or an estuary and is intended to capture the water coming from the tide in the basin (s) formed by the dam on the one hand, and, on the other, by the estuary upstream of the stream or by the coast of the bay. The dam can be built to form two separate basins allowing for easier exploitation of tidal power.
    Tidal Compensation
    Measures necessary to compensate for the effects of tidal changes on wave energy extraction devices , in particular in the case of compensating channel schemes and systems including seafloor connection, as part of their recovery mechanism power.
    Tidal Power
    Energy that can be usefully recovered by exploiting the energy potential due to the vertical displacement of a mass of water at different levels or to the kinetic energy due to the current (tidal flow) caused by the flow and reflux (high tide and low tide) . Tidal energy results from the gravitational forces of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth's rotation.
    Note: For tidal power plants see Tidal Power Plant.
    Tidal Power Plant
    Hydroelectric Central that uses the difference between the sea and a basin from which it is separated, created by the effect of the tides (see Energy Prod. By the Movement of the Tides).
    Tidal Power Plant Feed Channel
    Channel that transports tidal water to (or from) a machine running thanks to hydraulic power or to a catchment basin.
    Tidal Range
    Difference in water levels between high and low tides.
    TIEPI - Equivalent interruption time of installed power (minutes)
    Technical indicator of quality of service. The quotient between the sum of the product of the power installed in the public and private service stations by the time of interruption of supply of those stations and the sum of the installed power in all the public and private service stations of the distribution network.
    Tier, Busy Section
    Zone of the watercourse between the upstream end of the reservoir and the point of restitution.
    Time of Unavailability
    Sum of programmed downtime with downtime due to malfunction.
    Time to empty a Reservoir
    Minimum time required to empty the reservoir from full storage level in the absence of any natural influx.
    Name given to a specific geometry of the magnetic field in a controlled fusion, carrying out the confinement and heating of the plasma due to a toroidal configuration. An important electric current induced in the plasma gives rise to a rotational magnetic component necessary for the confinement, simultaneously heating the plasma.
    Ton (t)
    Unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms. A ton is a unit that is used in the SI. (The short ton in use in the USA is 2000 pounds, or about 907 kg, the long ton in use in the United Kingdom is 2240 pounds, or about 1016 kg). In a limited number of cases these units may be employed in conjunction with the SI units and their multiples; For example: km / h, kWh.
    Top Central
    Central used mainly to cover the ends of the load diagram.
    Top Load
    Maximum power demanded by a consumer appliance or to which a network has to deal with during a certain period (eg day, month, year).
    Torva (Hooper)
    Deposit for storage of mining products and products already prepared.