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    971 results


    Support from public bodies
    Monetary values received by governments for the development of the business. Includes European Union support.
    Supporting Force
    Component of the wind force on a profile in the direction perpendicular to the relative wind speed, the rotor being in motion.
    Electric conductor whose electrical resistance is, in certain conditions, practically null. Note 1: In physics, the electrical resistance of a metal or alloy decreases as the temperature decreases. At a very low temperature characteristic of the material, called the breaking temperature, the electric resistance tends sharply to zero: the body becomes supraconducting. For certain materials, supraconductivity disappears however under the effect of a magnetic field. Note 2: In electrical construction the application of cryogenic techniques could create conditions that favor supraconductivity. Such conditions would substantially reduce the size of the equipment. Great economics for fundamental research and material technology is needed to be economical. Note 3: Technological developments concerning composite materials, yttrium, barium and sulfur oxide alloys are intended to achieve higher temperature supraconductivity with a view to replacing liquid helium (1 K to 4 K) by a much more economical gas, for example liquid nitrogen (63 K at 77 K).There are, however, momentary difficulties relating to mechanical safety problems and the solutions are only applicable in electronics.
    Surface Water
    Water that evaporates at room temperature when the fuel is stored in the air. The dry sample in this way is referred to as dry fuel in the air.
    Sustainability index
    The sustainability index (IS) is a measure of EDP's sustainability performance in three dimensions: economic, environmental and social. For the calculation of this index, 26 indicators contributed.

    An activity, an action or a decision that does not use fossil fuels, does not reduce natural resources and does not increase polluting emissions. And which does not have an impact on nature.


    An activity, an action or a decision that does not use fossil fuels, does not reduce natural resources and does not increase polluting emissions. And which does not have an impact on nature.

    Sustainable Development Goals

    In 2015, the UN approved the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for countries, institutions and companies to implement transversal and interconnected impact measures by 2030. The environment is one of the priorities in the different SDGs.

    Swelling Index
    Measurement of coal binder power. Its value is obtained by comparing the sample profile after progressively heated, under certain conditions, with a series of numbered profiles.


    Take-up Machine in Heap
    Machine used in storage areas for heaping or recovery of rocks (solid minerals, coating grounds) or other bulk materials. It is a rotary wheel excavator, movable on rails, moving on a conveyor belt reversible direction and installed in a fixed position.
    Technically Exploitable Potential
    Maximum amount of electrical energy that can be produced during an average year (see average year) coming from one or more water courses under technically feasible conditions.
    Set of well-defined and transmissible technical processes, designed to produce useful results. Note: In practice, the technique is the set of measures, devices and processes, etc. Which serve to enhance the scientific knowledge and empirical knowledge resulting from human experience of the use of natural forces and the exploitation, conversion and transformation of raw materials for the satisfaction of human needs.
    Study of the technical processes with respect to the respective general aspects, as well as their relations with the development of human knowledge. Note: The general terms "technology" and "technique" should not be used interchangeably because there is a considerable difference between them. The same applies to the terms "transfer of technology" and "transfer of technology", irrespective of the conditions under which it takes place (technical assistance, knowledge transfer, assistance contract).
    tep (tonelada equivalente de petróleo) e tec (tonelada equivalente de carvão)
    The tep and tec are units of account. The toe is defined by convention as being equal to 10 000 megacalories and tec to 7000 megacalories. Their names indicate that they are roughly equivalent to the amount of heat in one tonne of oil and one tonne of coal. To facilitate calculations the factor 1.5 tec for 1 toe is used.
    termia (th)
    The termia or megacalorie is a unit of energy used in France. 1 th = 4, 1868 MJ.
    Tertiary Regulation
    A regulation that overlaps with the secondary regulation and allows the deviations between the energy supplied and the programmed value to be compensated up to the end of a billing period.
    tesla (T).
    Magnetic induction unit. The tesla is the uniform magnetic induction which, when normally distributed on a surface of 1 square meter, produces a total magnetic flux through this surface of 1 weber. 1 T = 1 Wb / m 2 .
    Theoretical Hydraulic Potential
    Maximum quantity of electricity which can be obtained in a specified region or river basin over an average year, taking into account the corresponding differences in a given point in that region or basin.
    Unit equal to 100 000 Btu.
    Thermal atmospheric specific emissions
    Ratio of total atmospheric emissions to total net production of EDP's set of thermoelectric plants.