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    971 results


    Statistical Deviation
    Closing variable calculated in different ways according to the balance and allowing balance. Note 1: Statistical diversion may include, for example, unregistered stock changes and sometimes military consumption if not broken down by different sectors of consumption and also some distribution losses. Note 2: Statistical differences may also reflect anomalies arising from the attribution of different calorific powers to the same product according to the classification in which it appears (production, trade, processing, industry, etc.).
    Steam Coal (Steam Coal)
    Coal adapted for use in thermoelectric power stations and for process heat utilization in general.
    Steam Generation
    Total thermal energy (steam) produced at EDP cogeneration plants, sold to industrial customers.
    Steam Production
    Total steam produced at EDP cogeneration plants, sold to industrial customers.
    Toroidal confinement configuration that uses a combination of a toroidal magnetic field with an additional magnetic field created by coils of helical structure. Note: In this type of configuration, the magnetic field created by the currents in the plasma is much less potent than the confinement field.
    steradian (sr)
    Solid angle unit. The steradian is the solid angle which, having the vertex in the center of a sphere, intersects on the surface of this an area equal to that of a square having on the side the radius of the sphere.
    1 sr = 1 m 2 / m = 1
    Sterile Intercalation
    Layer or rocky incorporation of reduced volume appearing in the lode or between the lodes.
    Stock market capitalization
    Product of the stock closing price of the share for the total number of shares issued.
    Stock Variations (Stock Movements)
    Difference between the quantities of energy in storage in producers, importers, distributors, processors and large consumers between the beginning and the end of the period considered. This aggregate is affected by a + or - sign; + may indicate an existence or non-existence according to the method indicated by the performer of the balance.
    Stocks, Level of Stocks
    Quantities of stored energy for management purposes, security of supplying, strategic reserves, legal obligations. etc.
    Storage Basin
    Basin formed by the construction of a dam in which the water, coming from a rising tide, that is, of vacancies reflected by the vertical barrier or by a pumping system. Can be drained, collected and stored until the difference between the level of water in the basin and the level of water outside the basin is sufficient to allow the production of energy.
    Storage System
    Insulated Reservoir (s) containing heat storage material (s).
    Straining Effect, Pinch
    Contraction of a plasma by the rapid action of a magnetic field created by an electric current that crosses it. The striae can be:
    - linear stratification;
    - Theta stria (), According to the orientation of those fields.
    Strength of Resistance
    Component of the force resulting from the wind on a profile, in the direction of the relative wind speed.
    Structural Response
    Aptitude of the structure of a wave energy extraction device to draw energy from the movements or pressures of the sea waves.
    Submarine Ocean Power Plants (Submarine Mills)
    Facilities involving flywheels, propellers or "parachutes", designed to recover energy from underwater currents and convert it into usable energy.
    Substations in classified areas
    Total number of substations belonging to each electricity distribution company, in operation, within areas with nature protection status. In the European case, nature protection status is defined as the area legally classified as belonging to the Natura 2000 network and to the National Network of Protected Areas.
    Sulphur Content
    Mass ratio of the sulfur contained in the fuel.
    Superfície de Passagem
    Projection of the body of revolution described by the rotor on a plane perpendicular to the undisturbed wind direction.
    Natural or legal persons who supply products to or provide services to EDP. Power supplies are not included.