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    971 results


    Solar Heating Passive (Passive System)
    System that directly uses the components of buildings (eg, conveniently oriented windows, Trombe walls).
    Solar Lake
    Water container (pool, pond, lake) that captures solar energy. A salinity gradient allows to maintain an inverted thermal stratification (warmer water at depth).
    Solar Module
    Mounting of interconnected solar cells which constitute the manipulable and transportable base element of a photovoltaic system. The occupancy density defines the relationship between the total surface of all cells and the surface of the module on which they are arranged. Note: The concept of occupancy density is applicable, more generally, to the characterization of the relationship between the surface of useful elements and the total occupation of an equipment..
    Solar Oven
    Very high temperature furnace obtained by concentration of the solar rays on the material subjected to heat treatment.
    Solar Panel
    Set of solar modules, assembled in series, in parallel or mixed form. The overall structure of these different configurations of panels and their supports constitute a solar generator whose characteristics can be defined (surface occupied, current supplied, etc.).
    Solar Right
    Set of legislative and regulatory elements relating to the use of solar energy.
    Solar Thermal Pump
    Pump triggered by a thermodynamic cycle whose hot source is powered by solar energy.
    Solid Fuels
    Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels are mainly obtained from crude fossil fuels. The notions of geology, research or research and prospecting, as well as the description of reserves, are very similar for all these types of fuels. For this reason they are, like others, fundamental concepts, minerals, physical and chemical, dealt with in General Terms. On the other hand, a number of other concepts dealt with in the sections on solid, liquid and gaseous fuels can be applied to other types of fuels. For other concepts related to the use of solid fuels, The respective references have been made in the chapters on the use of energy, the use of energy rationale or the environment. Thus, for the different types of fuels, the corresponding concepts are stated or regrouped in the appropriate section. For the exploitation of solid fuel deposits, the difference between open-pit exploration and underground exploration is distinguished.

    For each of these exploration methods special processes and equipment have been developed. Therefore, in Exploration, a specific terminology was developed, often linked to tradition and experience.
    Solid Separation/ Gas
    Generic term for all processes relating to the production of a gas with a low solids content, in order to recover the solids and to produce a gas without dust.
    Solid Separation/ Water
    Removal of water from humid materials by means other than evaporation. Generic term to designate all processes concerning the mechanical concentration of solids (thickening) in order to obtain a product with a low water content (extraction of water) or to obtain a product poor in solids (clarification) (see Dosage) .
    Solid Wastes
    All solid wastes from the domestic and tertiary sectors, public facilities, industry, etc. Note: Wastes from production that can be reused or used for thermal purposes are considered as wastes products.
    Ratio between the surface covered by the blades and the passing surface (see Through surface). Note: This is a general definition. A more precise definition requires knowledge of the type of turbine being considered.
    Specific atmospheric emissions
    Ratio of total atmospheric emissions to total gross thermal production of EDP's set of thermoelectric plants.
    Specific Heat Consumption
    The specific heat consumption in a given time interval is the quotient between the calorific equivalent of the fuel consumed and the amount of electric energy produced in the time interval considered. Like the energy produced this consumption can be crude or liquid.
    Spectral Response of a Solar Cell
    The ratio between the current supplied by the cell with the short-circuited terminals and the energetic illumination incident on a narrow wavelength band (generally less than or equal to 10 nm), expressed as a function of the wavelength at 300 K Otherwise specified).
    Spill-over effect

    Positive actions by some countries that have negative results on others. For example, the reduction in the price of fossil fuels due to lower consumption in developed countries could lead to an increase in their use, with the associated emissions, in emerging countries.

    Splitter of Charges (Dispatch)
    Organ whose function is to command the entry into service and the departure of the groups and the exchanges, dividing the loads. In general, it also commands the interconnection of networks that are directly interested.
    Support granted to entities with a private or public legal personality consisting of the association of products marketed by EDP, or on its behalf, but with the objective of promoting its image to its clients.
    SROI - Social Return on Investment
    Approach that demonstrates the creation of value for the Community for each investment made, based on the following chain: inputs, outputs, results and impacts.

    Any and all agents that influence or are influenced, directly or indirectly, by the company.