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    971 results


    Rotor Savonius
    Rotor of a turbine, usually of vertical axis or perpendicular to the direction of the wind, constituted by two semicylinders displaced one with respect to the other.
    Material for the refilling of an already explored part of the field.


    Safety valve
    Device installed in the place where the permanent operating tank is located, in order to operate in case of failure of the latter.
    SAIDI - System Average Interruption Duration Index
    Technical indicator of quality of service. Quotient of the sum of the durations of the interruptions at the delivery points, during a given period, by the total number of delivery points, during the same period.
    SAIFI - System Average Interruption Frequency Index
    Technical indicator of quality of service. Quotient of the total number of interruptions at delivery points, during a given period, by the total number of delivery points, over the same period.
    Salinity Gradient
    Osmotic pressure appearing at the freshwater and saltwater interface at the point where the rivers enter the sea or at the water interface of different salinity, which can be exploited to produce energy by the use of conveniently disposed semipermeable membranes, for example under The shape of a closed cylinder. The electrochemical potential at the interface can also be used to directly produce electrical current.
    Salt Content
    Proportion of water soluble salts of a solid fuel. The method of analysis used should be indicated.
    Savings in turnover cost per training investment
    A metric that shows how training efforts in the company impact employee retention and attraction. It measures savings (or losses) in turnover cost for every 1€ invested by the company on training and development programs, and is calculated by dividing cost savings (or losses) in employee turnover by total cost of training, for specific employee segments and training programs.
    SCA (Special Conservation Area): The SCAs are the official CIPs which have been finally declared by the Member States as such, six years after the official CIP is published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ). The difference with the OFFICIAL CIPs is that SCA governs the obligation to develop special conservation measures for them.
    Scheduled Unavailability Time (Planned Time of Unavailability)
    Time interval during which an installation, or part of it, is not in working condition, due to scheduled maintenance operations.
    sustainable development goals
    Seasonal Storage
    Storage in which the reservoir has a seasonal filling and emptying cycle.
    second (s) Unit of time
    The second is the duration of 9192631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133. [13] GCPM (1967), Resolution 1].
    Second angle (")
    The second angle is 1/60 of the minute.
    Secondary Biomass
    By-products resulting from the use of biomass in the production of fiber, food or other products, or agricultural and livestock waste and food preparation; Such by-products and residues result mainly from physical transformations. This category includes waste from the agricultural and forestry industries, manure and sewage, among others. Their use derives at the same time from the concerns about the protection of the environment and its possibility of energy recovery (see: recovery of waste). In some cases, the recovery of waste, in particular that of wood products used as fuel, is associated with that of the main product: bagasse in distilleries, coke and bagasse in mills, etc.
    Note: This distinction between primary and secondary biomass is based on economic factors. Environmentalists include in primary biomass plant residues that do not undergo any chemical or biological transformation. We can distinguish the different types of biomass according to the nature of its main constituent: woody biomass, biomass with carbohydrates (cellulose, starches), biomass with lipids (oilseeds), which will determine the types of products supplied and the types of treatment to be applied.
    Secondary Regulation
    Turbine regulator command by another different magnitude of rotation speed (for example, the network controller).
    Security of Energy Supply
    Guarantee, when necessary, of energy in quantity and of desired quality, under certain economic conditions.
    Security passport
    Certificate of minimum competences in Security that results from the frequency with use of a training action and that allows to evidence that the workers involved acquired a set of competences on the most frequent risks in a working environment and respective prevention and protection measures.
    Sedimentary Basin
    A subsidence zone, ie a zone that has suffered a continuous wear and tear for several million years, accompanied by a gradual accumulation of deposits with a certain volume of sediment (corresponding to a thickness of at least one kilometer in the interior and thinning to the periphery).
    Note: Geological formations created by the decomposition and decantation of organic matter are designated by sediments and, under certain conditions and under the influence of organisms which act for very long periods, contribute in particular to the formation of Products (coal, oil and natural gas).
    Selected Coal (Coal, Purified)
    Prepared coal containing minimum amounts of Impurities (ash, sulfur) (see Triage).