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    971 results


    Selective Surface
    A surface whose optical properties vary with the wavelength. The following distinguish: - areas characterized by a high absorption coefficient for solar radiation a low energy emission capacity for infrared radiation;
    - the covers that reflect the infrared radiation of great wavelength.
    Note: A collector equipped with any of the selective surfaces mentioned is a selective collector.

    At EDP we are capable of building on strengths and identifying improvement areas, leveraging feedback. We place our heart towards: seeking and being open to feedback; recognizing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and limits; being aware of the impact of our actions on others; reflecting on the impact of our actions on others.

    Energy produced or processed by users for the operation of their installations. Note 1: If all such energy (eg electricity or heat) is not self-consuming, it may in certain cases be sold under contractual conditions to third parties. Note 2: Self-produced electricity (or heat) is sometimes difficult to account on the balance, or because they are small installations on which still data are not yet available, or - and this is the most important case - because can´t separate the direct use of the forms of energy supplied from its use for the production of electricity or heat. Note 3: This aggregate relates as far as possible to the energy transformation line.
    Senior management recruited from local communities
    Indicators GRI EC7 (%)
    Officers (employees with responsibility for defining the general policy of the Company) and social bodies that have the nationality of the country where the company operates.
    Separation Plan
    Horizontal or slightly sloping surface separating the ground for reasons of mining. The separation plan can be the level of exploitation. The intermediate plane or the kerb.
    Separation Surface
    Zone of the terrestrial surface adjacent to a deposit or part of a deposit.
    Severity Index (Tg)
    Number of days lost as a result of an accident at work per million hours worked in the reference period.
    SF <sub> 6 </sub> - Sulfur Hexafluoride
    Greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of 22,800.
    shannon (Sh)
    Unit for base logarithmic quantities 2. Sh is the respective value when lb (x) = 1, (this is, x = 2).
    Shipyard Miner
    Space in which the surface facilities necessary for the operation are grouped, namely: - the extraction machine, which assures the ascent and descent of the cages;
    - the easel (or extraction tower) where the guide swabs of the extraction cables are located, which ensure the connection between the extraction machine and the cages;
    - the torvas or park for storage or deposition of products extracted from the mine;
    - electrical equipment (transformers, motors, etc.); compressors and fans;
    - changing rooms, showers and lanterns ("lampisteria");
    - warehouses and maintenance workshops.
    Short Circuit Current of a Solar Cell
    Current supplied by a solar cell with short-circuited terminals, under AM 1 conditions at 300 K (unless otherwise specified).
    Shunt Resistance of a Solar Cell
    Equivalent resistance in parallel with an ideal solar cell and representing the insulation losses in the real cell. Note: The ideal cell is a dummy cell with no internal impedance.
    SI Prefixes
    SI units as well as their decimal multiples and submultiples formed by the use of prefixes are especially recommended for expressing values of quantities. If a unit name or a symbol containing a prefix is affected by an exponent, this indicates that the multiples or submultiples of the unit are elevated to the power expressed by the exponent. For example: km 2 is equal to (km) 2 , area of the square that has one kilometer of side, 10 6 meters Squares; Km 2 does not mean k (m 2 ) which corresponds to 1000 square meters. In the same way Gm 3 means (Gm) 3 , volume of a cube that has an edge gigametro, that is, 10 27 cubic meters . To designate one billion cubic meters it is necessary to use the expression one cubic kilogram, that is, 1 kg 3 . Finally, 1 cm 3 means 10 -6 m 3 and not 10 -2 m 3 < / Sup>.
    siemens (S)
    Electrical conductance unit. The siemens is the electrical conductance of a conductor with an electrical resistance of 1 ohm. 1 S = 1 ohm -1
    sievert (Sv)
    Dose equivalent unit in the field of radioprotection. The sievert is equal to the joule per kilogram. 1Sv = 1 J / kg

    A process through which greenhouse gases or other gases are removed from the atmosphere, resulting in a positive balance in relation to those released. Forests and other vegetation are sinks, removing CO2 by photosynthesis, as is phytoplankton in the oceans.

    Skill Title
    It is a written document, issued by the employer, which materializes an authorization for works in electrical installations.
    Skill Title
    It is a written document, issued by the employer, which materializes an authorization for works in electrical installations.
    Vertical distance between the crown of the dam and the maximum height that reaches the water in the reservoir.
    Slags (By-products)
    Wastes that were first liquefied, at a temperature above that of ash melting and which resolidified upon cooling.