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    971 results


    Renewable Energy Sources
    Energy available, from permanent and natural energy conversion processes, economically exploitable under current conditions or for the foreseeable future.
    Reservation Power
    Electricity used to cover fluctuations in consumption or production. They differ:
    - Availability: short or long term booking.
    -intervention time: seconds, minutes, hours or days. In thermal power plants, the type of operation determines, in particular, the intervention time: - In the case of the rotating reserve, the group connected to the network can take charge immediately. Necessary to start a group so it can take charge.
    Quantity of fossil fuels, or of mineral origin, or resources of geothermal origin, or resources of geothermal origin existing in the subsoil that have already been evaluated.
    Reserves of Energy Raw Materials of Fossil and Mineral Origin
    Known quantities of energy raw materials of fossil and mineral origin that can be recovered in loco under conditions determined at the time of evaluation of their usefulness.
    A large reservoir artificially formed by closing a valley through dikes or dams and storing the waters of a river with the purpose of using them to regulate flows, irrigation, water supply, electricity production, etc.
    Reservoir edge
    Boundary limit of the reservoir.
    Reservoir Filling Time
    Time required to fill the reservoir from the minimum operating level to full storage level assuming inflow at constant flow rate and value equal to the corrected characteristic mean flow rate.
    Reservoir Hydroelectric Power Station
    Hydroelectric power station whose power can be regulated thanks to a reservoir.
    Reservoir Lenght
    Distance measured along the axis of the watercourse between the dam site and the end of the reservoir.
    Note: The maximum level of the reservoir corresponds to the highest permissible level in case of floods.

    Locations or components of the planet that serve as a natural store of greenhouse gases or other polluting elements. Trees, for example, are natural carbon dioxide reservoirs.

    Wastes from coal treatment.
    Series of a Solar Cell Equivalent resistance in series with an ideal cell and representing the ohmic voltage drop in the real cell. Note: The ideal cell is a dummy cell with no internal impedance.
    Resources of Energy Raw Materials of Fossil and Mineral Origin
    A set of fossil and mineral energy feedstocks of known and presumed origin and having, or may subsequently have, an economic interest. Note: In general, there is a distinction between: - proved recoverable reserves - - additional reserves considered recoverable.
    Restitution Point
    Point at which the water after turbinate is restored to the water course.
    Ring Network
    Network, or part of a network, wholly or partly made up of rings which, for the most part or in whole, are individually connected by the ends to the same power supply.
    Rio Summit

    In 1992, the Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, was the first large UN international conference on the environment. It led to the Heads of State and participating countries starting discussions on how pollution would impact on the planet. The Rio Summit set the foundation for the first COP, in 1995, in Berlin.

    Roofs (Pickling, Debris)
    Set of layers of land and displaced or displaced for the extraction of coal in an open-air operation, the interim barren and the fraction of the fuel that constitutes the operating losses.
    Rotating Exploration
    Method of exploitation in which the benches surround their points of rotation or surround the zone of rotation.
    rotation (r)
    R is the international symbol for rotations by expressing the rotational frequency in compound units such as revolutions per minute (rpm) and revolutions per second (ris). Languages abbreviations such as rev (English: revolutions), tr (French: tours) or rpm and rps should be avoided.
    Rotor Darrieus
    Turbine rotor, usually with vertical axis or perpendicular to wind direction, often with 2 or 3 blades. The Darrieus rotor is independent of wind direction.