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    971 results


    Processes and procedures used to obtain commercially valuable products from raw fuels through physical or physicochemical treatments.
    Preparation Facility
    Equipment and buildings for the separation of coal.
    Preparatory Work in the Rock
    Carrying out of all the mineral excavations that have the objective of the research and the discovery of Fields
    Preparatory Work on the Bed
    Realization of all mineral excavations which systematically subdivide the gypsies, or part thereof, which have been recognized thanks to the preparation work on the rock, in order to prepare them for exploitation.
    Prepared Coal
    Product obtained from raw coal which, by preparatory processes such as grading, sorting, sorting, cleaning, mechanical treatment, crushing, drying and blending, was converted into usable coal.
    Pressure of the Wind
    Force per unit area exerted by the wind at a well-defined location, measured on a surface perpendicular to the direction of the wind.
    Primary Biomass
    Relatively fast growing vegetable matter that can be used, directly or after transformation, in the production of energy (natural resources and energy plantations).
    Primary Energy
    Energy that has not undergone any conversion.
    Primary Energy Balance (Balance of Primary Equivalent)
    Balance that expresses the quantities of the different forms of energy required to satisfy the final consumption in equivalent quantities of a single primary energy chosen as reference (in most cases a fossil fuel).
    The accounting in all points of the balance sheet is made according to this hypothesis. See conversion factors and equivalence coefficients and partial substitution method).
    Primary Energy Production
    Extraction of energy obtained in nature and, by extension, production of certain derived energies (so-called primary electricity). The following are distinguished: - the primary production of fuels: production of the quantities of fuels extracted, produced or harvested for energy purposes, evaluated after disposal of the inert material contained therein (for natural gas it is necessary to exclude lâchers , Reinjection, etc.). This item includes the recovery products used for thermal power stations and fuel animal or plant products, as they have not yet undergone any energy transformation; - and the primary production of electricity: by convention, primary electric energy is usually that which comes from hydro and nuclear power plants as well as photovoltaic, wind or geothermal energy. However, if these forms of energy are already accounted for as primary sources (for example at a renewable energy point) there is a risk of double counting. In the case of nuclear, the same risk exists if the nuclear heat produced by the reactor is counted as primary energy. The solutions adopted to avoid these double counts may differ from country to country. Note 1: Primary fuel production may refer, in some countries, to gross quantities; this gross primary production could figure in a line preceding the primary fuel production as defined above. Note 2: Solar energy and wind energy used directly (direct thermal utilization and mechanical use) can be assimilated to primary production; the accounting is generally done at the exit of the first pick-up device. The fact that these energies have so far represented a small part of the balance explains that the differences in the agreements adopted to take them into account have not had a significant impact.
    Primary Regulation
    Modification of the power of the turbine by its regulator, depending on the speed of rotation (frequency).
    Private Network, Industrial Network
    Network for delivering energy (electricity, natural gas or other fuels, air, etc.) to a single consumer.
    Probable Reservations
    Reserves whose volume or mass is proven within a margin of error of plus or minus 20%, according to a degree of exploitation with a safety margin of 90%.
    Probable Reservations
    At a given date, estimated quantities that the analysis of geological and technical data indicate as being economically recoverable from deposits already discovered, with a sufficiently high probability of suggesting the likelihood of their existence, but not sufficient to classify them as Proved. Due to the impossibility of predicting when and to what extent the recovery of such reserves will be possible in the future, the assessments must correspond to a set of values, but may be given by a single intermediate value that considers all uncertainties.
    problem solving

    At EDP we translate complex information into impactful actions, taking decisions despite uncertainty. We focus our energy towards: being flexible by considering alternatives and testing new approaches; being confident to make, alter or suspend conclusions and opinions; asking questions to better understand the challenge, considering the context and reality; analyzing and interpreting different scenarios, easily connecting non-obvious situations and information.

    Processing Product
    Product obtained from the processing of crude fuel.
    Production Disaggregation
    It can be presented by geographical unit, by energy form, per unit of production, with a more or less fine degree detail according to the degree of balance disintegration.
    Production Effiency
    Ratio of net electricity production to total primary energy consumption.
    Professional training rate
    Ratio of the number of hours of training by the total number of employees, by each professional category.
    Profitability per share
    Cash-flows per share received by the shareholder, namely through dividends or capital gains / losses obtained through the sale of the share, less the share purchase price and acquisition and sale costs, and taxes on dividends and capital gains .