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    971 results


    Minimum Power
    The lowest power in a given period of time.
    minute (min)
    It is a unit of time equal to 60 seconds.
    Minute angle (')
    The minute of the angle equals 1/60 of the degree.

    In the context of climate change, a human intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases. Examples include using fossil fuels more efficiently for industrial processes or electricity generation, switching to solar energy or wind power, improving the insulation of buildings, and expanding forests and other "sinks" to remove greater amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

    Fuel and sterile mixture resulting from dry or humid mechanical treatment.
    An action consisting in physically assembling materials that are in the same phase or in different phases, in such a way that the characteristics are identical in all points of the obtained product.
    Mobile Dam
    Dam consists of movable locking devices that allow to maintain the level of retention and to let the water pass freely through the proper opening of the moving parts.
    Model LBG
    A work tool currently used by more than 100 companies to value the company's contributions to the Community. EDP is a member of the UK corporate network managed by Corporate Citizenship.
    Moisture Analysis
    Hygroscopic humidity that a sample has in dry air at the time of an analytical test.
    Molded Coke
    Coke obtained from coal clusters.
    mole (mol) Unit of matter quantity
    The mole is the amount of matter in a system containing as many elemental entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon 12. When the mole is used, the elementary entities must be specified and can be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, other particles or clusters of such particles. [14th CGPM (1971), Resolution 3].
    MT- Medium Voltage
    Voltage between phases whose effective value is greater than 1 kV and equal to or less than 45 kV.


    National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency
    National Electrical System (NES)
    Designation, in Portugal, of the electrical system composed of SEP and SEI.
    Natural Debit
    The natural debit of a watercourse at a given point in time and in a given cross-section of its course is the flow rate it would have at that time, in the absence of any Hydroelectric facility or any other facility that directly or indirectly modifies its watershed or the scheme.
    neper (Np)
    Neper is an SI unit for logarithmic and base quantities. 1 Np is the field amplitude level when ln (F / F 0 ) = 1 or the power level when (1/2) .ln (P / P 0 ) = 1 (where F 0 and P 0 are reference values).
    National Emission Reduction Plan.
    Nesting Land
    Non-carbonaceous formations that limit the layers of coal or layer complexes.
    Net electricity generation
    Total electric energy emitted to the grid resulting from gross production after deduction of own consumption related to its production, namely in the auxiliary services of the plant and in the main transformers.
    Set of lines, plumbing, stations and other connected installations (interconnected). A network can be designated according to its function, its operating process, its tension, its pressure, its quality and its legal status.
    Note: The corresponding energies or goods are: electricity (electricity grid), gas (gas pipeline), oil (pipeline), district heating (heat network), as well as water and air supplies Tablet.