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    971 results


    Load Loss
    Reduction of the useful energy caused by the water flow in a hydraulic circuit.
    Long Front
    Volume of long and narrow exploitation within a bed between two holding areas.
    Note: A long front is limited on its longitudinal side by two panels moving in the direction of the holding.
    Loss of Transformation
    Differences between input for transformation and output for transformation.
    Note: This difference can sometimes be positive and translate into a gain in transformation (eg in volume, as in crude oil processing).
    Losses from a Network
    Energy Losses that occur in the transportation and / or distribution of electric energy, in the considered network.
    Losses of Transport (Losses of Distribution)
    Transport and distribution losses in networks (up to the point of delivery) mainly of electricity, gas and heat. Note 1: Losses in electrical transformers are accounted for in transportation and distribution losses. Note 2: In some cases, losses of gas distribution, especially natural gas, are included in the statistical deviation. Note 3: Although these losses are traditionally accounted for by network energy, they also concern the delivery of solid, liquid or gaseous fuels in containers.
    Lost days resulting from an accident
    Total number of calendar days (calendar days) during which the victim is temporarily unable to work (wasted time). The lost time is measured from the day after the day of the accident until the day before the return to work. Temporary absences of less than one day for medical treatment are not considered as wasted time.
    Low Drop Turbine
    Turbine designed to operate with large volumes of low potential energy water, such as tidal power or the difference in height between the crest and the vane of a wave.
    Low Temperature Carbonization (Semi-Distillation)
    Heating of bituminous fuels in the absence of air at a temperature between 450 and 600 ° C in order to extract gaseous or liquid decomposition products in order to obtain primary gas, primary or semi-coarse tar.
    Low Temperature Coke
    Coke obtained by coking coals at temperatures of about 600 ° C, lignites at temperatures of 400 ° C to 600 ° C or peat at temperatures of 350 ° C to 550 ° C.
    Low tension
    Voltage whose phase-to-phase value is less than a given voltage, varies from country to country (usually 1000 volts). In Portugal, the low voltage between phases is generally 380 volts.
    Lower Calorific Power (ICP)
    The lower calorific value is the amount of heat released by the complete combustion of a fuel unit, assuming that the water vapor is not condensed.
    lumen (Lm)
    Light flow unit. The lumen is the luminous flux emitted at a solid angle of 1 steradian by a uniform point source situated at the apex of the solid angle with a luminous intensity of 1 candela. 1 lm = 1 cd .sr
    lux (lx)
    Light radiation unit. Lux is the radiation of a surface that receives a uniformly distributed light flux of 1 lumen per square meter. 1 lx = 1 lm / m 2


    Recognizable microscopic fundamental component of coal, comparable to an inorganic rock ore. Contrary to minerals, macerals have no characteristic crystalline form and are not constant in their chemical composition and physical properties. Macerals are microscopically limited in their difference in degree of reflection, color, shape, and difference of relief. Note: The macerals are formed from different organisms, tissues and materials, from the disappeared plants in the framework of carbonization.
    Macerate Group
    Composed of macerals that, for the same degree of carbonization, have similar chemical, physical and technological properties.
    Magnetic Field Configuration
    Proper distribution of the magnetic field so that the ionized particles remain in a given space.
    Note: Possible configurations include the following:
    - toroidal configuration;
    - magnetic well (minimum magnetic induction configuration).
    Magnetic field diverter
    Component of a toroidal fusion device which creates a magnetic field with the aim of diverting the charged particles from the outer layer of the plasma beam to a separate location where they strike a barrier, being neutralized and evacuated by pumping. It follows that the energetic particles of the outer shell can not hit the walls of the main container, which prevents the appearance of secondary particles which can cool the plasma.
    Magnetic Mirror
    Generally axial magnetic field, with a delimited area of increasing density that creates a convergence of field lines. A particle moving in the area of the converging lines of the magnetic field will reflect, unless the ratio between its energy parallel to the magnetic field and the energy perpendicular to this same field is too high.
    Magnetic Pumping
    A method used to heat a plasma by means of successive compressions and decompression caused by a magnetic field which is periodically varied.
    Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
    The dynamics or study of the movements of conductive fluids of electricity in a magnetic field. Applies to liquid metals (mercury, molten alkali metals), weakly ionised gases and plasmas.