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    971 results


    Km of overhead lines per voltage level (AT and MT) in classified areas
    Length of operating airline in the network belonging to each distribution company, within areas with nature protection status. In the European case, nature protection status is defined as the area legally classified as belonging to the Natura 2000 network and to the National Network of Protected Areas.
    Kyoto protocol

    Signed in 1997 at COP3, and ratified in the years since by more than 190 countries, the Kyoto Protocol marks the start of the setting of international targets for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in industrialised countries.


    Landfill (Open-Cast operation)
    Systematic deposit of sterile in open-air areas already exploited or part of them.
    Laser Fusion
    A fusion technique based on inertial confinement of a micro-target or fuel micro-node, which is compressed spherically and heated until thermonuclear fusion conditions are reached by convergent laser pulses (see Laser). Note: A small sphere with a diameter of the order of one millimeter is defined as a mixture of deuterium and tritium whose center acquires, by the converging action of laser beams, the pressure conditions And temperature required to initiate nuclear fusion reactions and to propagate this initial ignition favored by inertial confinement, leading to a nuclear micro-explosion.
    Last resort fee (LRF) Spain
    BT consumers with contracted power less than or equal to 10kW.
    Last Resort Seller (CURE)
    The entity holding a license to sell electricity subject to universal service obligations.
    Last resources
    Quantity of fossil or mineral fuels believed to exist and to be able to discover. It is a purely geological notion which does not take account of technical or economic constraints or of any fixed time-limit.
    Lawson's Criterion and Fusion Product
    Relationship between the main variables involved in the merger process. In the case of D.T. (Deuterium-tritium), the criterion gives: plasma temperature T> 10 8 k T> = 10 14 s / cm 3 where Is the density expressed as the number of particles in each cubic centimeter and t the confinement time expressed in seconds. Note: The melt is the product of the plasma density by the confinement time and the temperature expressed in units of particles per cubic meter per second per kelvin. In deuterium-tritium plasma, the criticality is reached when the melt is in the range of 3 x 10 20 .
    Layer Combustion (on Grid)
    Combustion of coal of medium and high granulometry, supported by a fixed or mobile grid.
    A device which, by means of an electric field, a magnetic field or an electromagnetic field, produces the concentration of the charged particles. They distinguish themselves:
    - electrostatic lens;
    - magnetic lens;
    - electromagnetic lens.
    Level Indicator (Limnograph)
    Device for measuring the water level (automatic measurement and regulation of distance level, regular command and its registration).
    Organic fossil sediment, fuel, brown to black, with a calorific value above 24 MJ / kg, considering the ash-free substance, with a water content of 30 ° C and a relative humidity of 96%. Note: Considering the difficulties in the delimitation between coals and lignites, the following identification reactions can be applied: Trace on a paper sheet: from light brown to dark brown. Reaction to wet acid with KOH: brown coloration. Reaction to lignin with HNO 3 : coloration from orange to reddish.
    Lignite Agglomerated
    Combustible in pieces obtained from partially dried lignite, without binder product.
    Another means of extracting the harmful particles is the use of a limiter which removes the ash produced by the melt as well as impurities from the plasma boundary.
    Set of conductors, insulators and accessories, used for the transportation or distribution of electricity.
    - Airline: line above the ground, usually with conductors supported by insulators and appropriate supports (towers, massive). The term also includes the necessary accessories (earth line). Note: An airline may also be made up of cables. Note: - Underground cable: line whose conductors are located under the ground or under water. Includes accessories. - Simple Line: line with a single electric circuit. - Multiple Line: line with several electrical circuits.
    Conversion of solid fuels into liquid hydrocarbons and associated compounds by hydrogenation, by synthesis of gases derived from solid fuels or by extraction by solvents.
    Liquids Results
    Difference between income and total costs. It allows determining the effects of taxation as well as the ability of the company to put at the disposal of shareholders a certain amount to remunerate the capital.
    litro (I ou L)
    The liter may be used as a special designation attributed to the cubic decimeter but should not be used to express high precision volume measurement results. At the origin of the metric system 1 kilogram should equal the mass of 1 cubic decimeter of water at 4ºC. However, when measurements were taken,the value of 1,000 028 cubic decimeter was revealed, that is, a deviation of 28 millionths. In 1964, the 12th CGPM put an end to this duality and redefined the liter just as we do in this definition (it is a unit of volume equal to 1 cubic decimeter).
    Load Factor
    Relation between the peak power obtained in a cell and the product of the no-load voltage by the short-circuit current (see Short-Circuit Current of a Solar Cell and No-Load Voltage of a Solar Cell).
    Load Factor
    The relationship between consumption over a given period of time (year, month, day, etc.) and the consumption resulting from the continued use of the maximum or specified load during the period considered.