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    971 results


    GHG - Greenhouse Gases
    In addition to water vapor and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), it includes methane (CH 4 ), nitrous oxide (N 2 O) and halogenated compounds, such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6 ).
    GHG Protocol - Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative
    A business partnership between various entities with the objective of developing accepted international standards for the monitoring and reporting of GHG emissions and promoting their global acceptance.
    Global Collector Loss Coefficient
    Parameter that characterizes the energy losses of the collector for the environment.
    Global Compact (GC)
    Initiative promoted by the Secretary-General of the United Nations - Mr. Koffi Annan - with the objective of promoting human rights, labor, environment and the fight against corruption.
    Global Radiation
    Sum of the direct and diffuse solar radiation received on a surface (from a solid angle of 2%).
    Global specific atmospheric emissions
    Ratio of total atmospheric emissions to the total net production of the EDP Group.
    gray (Gy)
    Dose unit absorbed. Gray is the dose absorbed in an element of matter having a mass of 1 kilogram , to which the ionizing radiation imparts uniformly an energy of 1 joule. In the field of ionizing radiation gray may still be employed in association with other physical quantities which are also expressed in joules per kilogram. 1Gy = 1 J / kg
    Great Power
    The power of a system or a plant that corresponds to the highest efficiency.
    Great Wind Speed Not Disturbed
    Wind speed value at which the developed power is maximized per unit area swept by the turbine rotor.
    Green electricity

    Electricity produced from renewable sources, such as solar or wind, and which, in addition to the sustainability of its use, guarantees that no polluting emissions are associated with its generation.

    Greenhouse effect
    Effect by which ambient infrared radiation is retained in an enclosed space. A glass or other material covering, transparent to incoming solar radiation, absorbs the internal infrared radiation of greater wavelength (> 2.5 m). In the void, half the absorbed energy is re-incorporated into the enclosed space.
    Note: The greenhouse effect produced by, inter alia, atmospheric carbon dioxide results in the re-heating of the earth's surface (see Atmospheric greenhouse effect).
    Greenhouse gases Emissions
    Atmospheric CO2eq emissions recorded according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The corporate GHG inventory is divided into three scopes: Scope 1: represents all direct emissions related to the operations owned or controlled by the company, including fixed combustion sources, company vehicles, and CH4 and SF6 emissions ; Scope 2: represents the indirect emissions related to the purchase of electricity, steam, heating and cooling for own use; Scope 3: represents the indirect inventoried emissions, which occur in the company's value chain.
    GRI - Global Reporting Initiative
    A global, independent institution that develops a global reporting framework, enabling companies to prepare reports on their economic, environmental and social performance.
    Gross Consumption
    Quantity of primary energy (including the balance of external trade and movement of stocks) required by a geographical entity to cover domestic and banking demand.
    Gross Domestic Consumption
    Gross consumption minus banks. Note: This aggregate, key point of the balance sheet, can also be calculated by adding the consumption, the losses in the networks and the statistical deviation with the difference between the energy submitted to the transformation and the derived output.
    Gross Domestic Product (GDPmp)
    The gross domestic product at market prices represents the final result of the production activity of the resident productive units. GDPmp is equal to the sum of the gross value added of the different institutional sectors or branches of activity, increased by taxes minus subsidies on products (which are not affected by sectors and industries).
    Gross electricity production
    Total electrical energy measured at the exit of all the main generators of the generating centers, including, consequently, the energy absorbed by the auxiliary services of the power stations and the loss of the main transformers.
    Gross Energy Produced
    Electric power at the generator terminals.
    Gross Fall
    Difference between the level of the water plane at the end of the reservoir and the water level in the cross section of the stream in which the restitution takes place.
    Gross Generator Power
    Electrical power at the terminals