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    971 results


    Frequency Curve (Distribution Curve)
    Classification of the observed values according to their importance.
    Frequency index (Tf)
    Number of accidents with low per million hours worked.
    Front Advance
    Method in which the excavator progresses as it draws material along the front of the excavation.
    Fuel consumption
    Annual total of fossil fuels (and biomass) consumed in the production of electricity in all the company's facilities.
    Fuel Consumption of the Automotive Fleet
    Annual fuel consumption of motor vehicles owned by the company. Personal vehicles are excluded.
    Fuel Stack
    A device that allows the direct conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy without the intervention of the thermodynamic cycle and in which its electrical energy is produced from a controlled oxidation reaction, which brings into play a fuel, usually hydrogen, methanol or a hydrocarbon.
    Note: Fuel cells can have various applications, such as small power sources in isolated locations.

    To strengthen mitigation actions and adaptation levels, funding is needed, especially in the countries most affected by climate change. The countries most responsible for pollution or with more financial resources commit to provide support to those that have more difficulties in this field.

    Fundo Verde para o Clima

    Voltado especificamente para os países que têm mais dificuldades ao nível da Adaptação e Mitigação, face às Alterações Climáticas, o Fundo Verde para o Clima tem sede na Coreia do Sul e procura canalizar o financiamento para projetos específicos.

    Fusibility of Ashes
    Behavior of compressed samples of heated ashes under certain conditions. The following characteristic temperatures are distinguished: softening, melting and flowability.
    Fusion Reactor, Nuclear Fusion Reactor
    Nuclear reactor operating through fusion reactions, ie a reactor designed to achieve and control the self-sustaining chain reactions of nuclear fusion with the release of liquid energy


    Mining installation that goes to the deposit in a horizontal, vertical or inclined direction, from the entrance.
    Gallery in the Coal
    Open gallery in the coal layer and with the same direction.
    Gallery on the Rock (Tunnel)
    Way traced in the rock by means of excavation to reach the beds.
    Gas Revenue
    Volume of gas, obtained by carbonisation or gasification, expressed in m 3 / t of the feed fuel. Reference conditions must be indicated in each case.
    Greenhouse Gases

    Atmospheric gases that most influence climate change, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. At normal levels, they make the Earth habitable, but human action since the Industrial Revolution has caused a greater concentration of these gases, causing the global temperature to rise.

    (See Gasification under pressure).
    Reactor in which the combustion of vegetal products is made under partial oxidation (see Thermo-Chemical Processes with Partial Oxidation and Catalytic Reactions). Gasogen gas, which has a low calorific value, is called a lean gas.
    Generator activated by Waves
    Extraction device of waves energy that converts it into electrical energy.
    Geodetic Height (Pumping Installation)
    Difference of levels between the upper reservoir and the lower reservoir.
    Geometric Concentration Ratio
    Relation between the area of the photosensitive part of a solar cell and the total area of that cell.