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    971 results


    Final Energy Balance
    Balance that expresses the quantities of the different forms of energy required to meet final consumption, measured or estimated. In a final energy balance all flows are accounted for on the basis of calorific value (calorific value method).
    Final Energy Consumption
    Quantities consumed for energy purposes by end users (all sectors, with the exception of the energy sector whose own consumption was defined in 'Own Consumption of the Electric Sector').
    Final or Delivered Energy
    Energy supplied to the consumer to be converted into useful energy.
    Note: The term "available energy " is sometimes also used; However, this designation should be avoided because of the confusion it may create with "availabilities".
    Financial Mechanisms

    To facilitate the provision of climate finance, the Convention established a financial mechanism to provide funds to developing country Parties. The financial mechanism also serves the Kyoto Protocol. The Convention states that the operation of the financial mechanism can be entrusted to one or more existing international entities. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has served as an operating entity of the financial mechanism for many years and at COP 17 in 2011, Parties also decided to designate the Green Climate Fund (GCF) as an operating entity of the financial mechanism. The financial mechanism is accountable to the COP, which decides on its policies, programme priorities and eligibility criteria for funding.

    Explosive gas lighter than air, essentially constituted by methane, which can be released from the layers of coal and the contact charcoal / rock contacts, either continuously or episodically. Note: As this gas is dangerous, it is necessary to take precautions with regard to the equipment and its disposal by ventilation or special suction installations.
    Firewood (Wood for burning)
    Set of woody resources, trunks and possibly branches, commercialized or not, used for energetic purposes by direct combustion.
    Note: In many developing countries, wood for burning is the main fuel, particularly for cooking food and sometimes for heating. Too intensive use of timber resources can lead to harmful deforestation. Their consumption may be reduced or improved at the burning sites or by pretreatment of the wood (eg vegetable coal).
    Flexible Bag
    Wave energy device consisting of a set of air-filled flexible bags floated to the surface and attached to the top of a submerged hull containing high and low pressure channels connected to an air turbine. The crests of the vacancies empty the bags, displacing the air in the high pressure channel; In the wave cavity, the pockets are again filled with air from the low pressure channel.
    floating solar

    Floating solar power plants are an innovative solution for the geographies that are land-scarce and want to adopt renewable energy. They produce more energy as the water cools down the solar panels, increasing its efficiency and allowing more energy to be generated.  

    Floating Tidal Power Plant
    Installation on a floating base that exploits the kinetic energy of the flow and the reflux by water wheels, propellers or propeller turbines or turbine of low fall.
    Flood Evacuator
    Structure with multiple functions in dams, central or artificial channels, which serves to prevent the increase of the water level beyond a pre-established height.
    Flood Zone
    Area of a reservoir between the highest level permitted by its normal operation and the maximum possible water level (full maximum level).
    Volume of water drained through a section, in the unit of time.
    Fluidised Bed Lignite
    Granular fuel for use in fluidised bed furnaces, treated in closed systems prepared for the treatment and drying of lignite.
    Foams Floating
    Separation process applicable to coal fines in which the latter, with the aid of appropriate reagents, is adhered superficially by air bubbles, in liquid medium, being collected by overflow in a flotation cell.
    Point of concentration of the solar rays after reflection or refraction in a solar oven or in a concentrator collector.
    Footbridge with Conveyor Belt
    Bridge construction to accommodate a conveyor belt over other conveyor paths.
    Força do Vento
    Classification of a given range of wind speeds, expressed for example on the Beaufort scale.
    Note: The Beaufort Scale ranks wind strength in 13 different categories, based on wind speed. They range from the force O (0-0.2 m / s) to force 12 (> 32.7 m / s).
    Forward Direction
    Direction according to which the front of dismount is attacked by the excavating machines.
    forward thinking

    At EDP we capture future trends, innovative solutions and challenges, bringing competitive advantage. We are driven towards: articulating credible scenarios and visions that create sustainable value, promoting forward looking decisions; creating competitive and breakthrough strategies that show a clear connection between ambition and action; identifying and seizing new opportunities; being up to date on external context.

    Fragmentation (Milling)
    An action consisting in bringing a product to be treated to a finer granulometry, by means of crushing, grinding or pulverization.