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    971 results


    Economic value generated (GAW)
    Turnover plus gains / losses on disposal of financial assets, plus other financial income, other financial costs and gains / losses on associates.
    Economically Exploitable Potential
    Hydraulic power that can be used under economic conditions.
    Edp5D green rate
    Contracts for the supply of electricity from a renewable source of water, recorded in the REC system. Green energy sold is estimated based on the historical consumption of customers.
    Effective Basin
    Basin modified in its size by derivations from other basins.
    Effectively Used Potential (in a given year)
    Energy produced in a country or region by hydroelectric power for a period of time (usually one year) excluding energy produced from pumping water.

    At EDP we produce the expected results with the adequate time/ resources, acting quickly and working with agility. We focus our energy towards: optimizing processes, activities and projects to deliver value; displaying a can-do attitude; keeping goals clear and focused; managing time and resources wisely.

    Electrical Circuit Lenght
    Measurement of the actual lengths of the conductors of an electrical circuit (taking into account differences in level and arrows).
    Electrical Circuit Lenght
    A set of means forming an electrically isolated system and carrying electric energy.
    Electrical Installation
    Set of civil engineering works, buildings, machines, appliances, lines and accessories that are used for the production, conversion, transformation, transportation, distribution and use of electric energy. This term shall also apply to a single set of machinery, equipment or electrical circuits.
    Electrical network
    Set of lines and other equipment or electrical installations, connected to each other, allowing the movement of electric energy.
    Electrical Power Available
    The maximum electrical power that could be obtained at any time and in a given period in the plant or in the group, in the actual situation in which it is at that moment, without considering the possibilities of placing the electric energy that would be produced.
    Electrical Power Produced
    Active power effectively produced. In principle, it is measured as if it were a momentary value, indicating the moment to which it refers; However, by convention can be expressed from the energy produced during a certain time interval (relation between the energy produced and the operating time).
    Electricity is a derived energy that can be produced from most energetic forms. The most important process of its production is to resort to a generator or alternator that converts the mechanical energy provided by a thermal process or by a hydraulic turbine. All other processes now play a secondary role. In most applications, electricity is a network energy that must be produced at the time of consumption. In fact, storage is only possible indirectly and in very restricted applications. For reasons of economic and quality of supply it is advisable to design large-scale transport and distribution networks and exploit them in an interconnected way . Only ten percent of the world's final energy needs are covered by electricity. However, its importance is for a number of reasons much higher. There are very few uses for which electricity is not used. Moreover, a whole series of applications indispensable to a modern and energy-efficient economy depend on electricity. In practice, enlightenment, for example, depends essentially on it. The provision of electricity does not imply the transport of inert masses to the places of consumption and waste, if any, is concentrated at the places of production and can therefore be more easily controlled and treated than if they were decentralized and dispersed by several consumers.
    Electricity consumption of power plants
    Quantity of electric energy consumed by all the company's electricity production facilities, necessary for its normal operation. Includes all production-related services (consumption of ancillary services, synchronous compensation and pumping) and non-affects.
    Electricity Distribution (GWh)
    Total electricity sold and invoiced by voltage level (AT, MT, BT, BTE, BTN and IP) to the final customers of the regulated traders.
    Electricity trading (GWh)
    Total electric energy sold and billed by voltage level (AT, MT, BT, BTE, BTN and IP) to final customers and / or external agents of the EDP group.
    Electron-volt (eV)
    The electron-volt is the kinetic energy acquired by an electron passing through the void from one point to another having a potential greater than 1 volt. 1 eV = 1.602177 x -19 < / Sup> J
    Elementary Analysis
    Content of the organic part of the fuel expressed as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen.

    Replacing industrial and household equipment, vehicles or heating systems that use fossil fuels with others that operate using electricity, eliminating the polluting emissions in the use of energy.

    EMAS - Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
    Voluntary mechanism for companies and organizations that want to commit themselves to assessing, managing and improving their environmental performance, making it possible to show the credibility of their environmental management system and their environmental performance to third parties and according to their respective references.