Event We Choose Earth Tour: privacy notice

EDP, registered with the Commercial Registry Office under unified taxpayer ID and registration number 500 697 256, with a share capital of EUR registered offices at Avenida 24 de Julho, No 12, 1249-300 Lisboa, and email address: brand@edp.com, (hereinafter “EDP ”) shall act as data controller for this purpose.

1. Purposes and legal basis for the processing of personal data 

Personal data, name and professional email address, shall be processed to send you, by e-mail, newsletters about the Event We Choose Earth Tour, after we obtain your consent. EDP will process the data based on your consent.

2. Recipients

Personal data indicated above could be communicated to a service provider outsourced by EDP, who will process the data exclusively for the purposes determined by EDP and under its instructions.

3. Data transfers to third countries

Personal data will be processed and storage in the territory of the European Economic Area. Therefore, it doesn’t plan to carry out international data transfer. 

4. Storage period

Your personal data shall be stored until the Event, and subsequently deleted. 

5. Data subjects’ rights 

Data subjects may at any time, under the applicable laws, request access to their personal data, as well as their rectification, erasure and restriction of processing, withdraw consent, request the portability of their data, or object to their processing, provided that the relevant legal requirements are met.

Your consent is withdrawable at any time.

Users may contact EDP to exercise these rights through the following email address: dpo.pt@edp.com.

Data subjects are further entitled to lodge a complaint with the Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (Portuguese Data Protection Commission) if they consider that their personal data have been breached.

For any questions regarding this information, data subjects may contact EDP through the above email address.

6. Changes to the Privacy Notice

EDP reserves the right to change these privacy notice at any time. The changes shall be duly notified using the contact details provided by the data subjects.


Last update: 04/05/2023