EDP presents strategy to fight climate change at the UN

Sunday 27, September 2015

EDP will help implement the new Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN Summit held in New York.

António Mexia, the EDP CEO, invited to attend one of the sessions (the United Nations Private Sector Forum), presented the company's commitments to fight climate change, one of the 17 goals which have now replaced the 8 Millennium Goals completed this year.

A prominent issue in New York and the UN -- which is about to adopt a new global agreement at COP 21. scheduled for Paris in early December --, climate change is at the center of EDP's strategy. Before an audience of businessmen, NGOs and government authorities from various countries, António Mexia presented the measures implemented by EDP in this area and announced goals for the future (see topics).

EDP's invitation to present the company's commitments in a forum attended by UN General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and global giants like Facebook, represented by Mark Zukerberg, was justified by the organization as an example of the role that the private sector can play in fighting one of the greatest threats to Mankind.

In line with what the UN expect from the private sector, EDP has already built the fight against climate change into its business strategy. The focus on energy production from renewable sources and the fostering of energy efficiency are the best examples of the path towards sustainable growth that the company is taking.

EDP will also attend the Low Carbon Technology Partnership Initiative, a cooperative international platform held by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development whose decisions will be announced during the COP 21 Climate Summit in Paris. The goal: to suggest technical and regulatory solutions that will foster the development of low carbon technologies, particularly by accelerating the growth of renewable energy in the world.