Mobilidade elétrica

Drivers of electric vehicles traveled 45 million kilometers in 2022 using energy from the EDP network

Wednesday 15, February 2023
Comercialization- EDP Comercial

Energy provided by the Iberian vehicle charging network operated by EDP enabled journeys equivalent to circumnavigating the globe 1,100 times to be made with zero carbon emissions. The growth in electric mobility in Portugal and Spain has seen a significant boost in the number of charging events, reaching about half a million in 2022.

Records for the use of the public charging networking managed by EDP in Portugal and Spain were broken again in 2022. There were 488,000 charging events last year using the Iberian Peninsula network of chargers, three times the number in the preceding year. With every internal combustion engine vehicle replaced by an electric vehicle, drivers saved the planet from the emission of five thousand tons of carbon dioxide.

The EDP public network of normal, fast and ultra-fast chargers supplied these electric vehicles with 8 GWh of electricity, enough energy to travel over 45 million kilometers without emitting CO2. These drivers could have circumnavigated the globe 1,100 times or made more than 70,000 journeys from Lisbon to Madrid without resorting to fossil fuels.

This unprecedented growth is tracking the record sales of electric vehicles and was only possible thanks to the expansion of the EDP network. In 2022, the company accelerated its investment in developing the public charging network to keep pace with the unprecedented growth in electric mobility in Europe and, specifically, in Portugal and Spain, where records for electric vehicle sales have been broken throughout the year. The company increased the charging points in operation or development on the Iberian Peninsula to over 3,500.

Achieving this growth required entering into partnership with agents that are also developing sustainable mobility. In Spain, EDP is developing a network of more than 400 charging points at Decathlon stores and more than 80 in service areas managed by Petroprix. In Portugal, EDP continued to develop its network with partners that provide strategic locations, seeing growth among SMEs in particular, with more than 350 charging points being contracted across the country.

In Portugal, the highest demand for EDP charging points was in Lisbon, Porto and Setúbal. In Spain, Gijón, Madrid and Oviedo came top out of a total of more than 150 locations with chargers available.


Vera Pinto Pereira, administradora executiva da EDP

"A criação de uma infraestrutura robusta de pontos de carregamento é uma condição necessária para a aceleração da adoção à mobilidade elétrica. Esta tem sido uma importante aposta da EDP, que hoje conta com uma rede de cerca de 3.500 pontos de carregamento em desenvolvimento na península ibérica. Esta tem sido também uma frente prioritária no debate de políticas que a EDP tem procurado discutir a nível europeu, junto de associações relevantes do setor, como é o caso da ChargeUp Europe", destaca Vera Pinto Pereira, administradora executiva da EDP.

Last week, EDP was once again elected a board member of ChargeUp Europe, an association contributing to the debate required on the development of sustainable mobility and the public policies needed toaccelerate the introduction of the necessary charging infrastructure. The package of measures currently under discussion includes compulsory targets for charging points in each Member State, together with other developments to improve user experience.